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    Can husband still cancel his wife's promise to God?

    Talking about me, I have been fulfilling my promise, as long as it concerns me. Because I don't know for sure, if I can count anything on this Moses' law place. I think it's not a sin to talk about Bible interpretation.
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    Can husband still cancel his wife's promise to God?

    Maybe you could answer my last question too... 😉
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    Can husband still cancel his wife's promise to God?

    Anyway thank you for your careful answer Dino 🙂👍
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    Can husband still cancel his wife's promise to God?

    And in a situation where a promise has been made, it doesn't really help to say "don't make promises".. many said this.. just wondering.. 🙂
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    Can husband still cancel his wife's promise to God?

    Thanks for your answers but I don't think I'm the one here who thinks like that... (of course you can still ask what is the situation if all these things have been bought with the wife's money and they are kind of hers... (the husband can have been unemployed for long time and the wife has...
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    Can husband still cancel his wife's promise to God?

    Of course promises can be stupid, like with Yephtah (or how do you write it?). But in the moment when it is made, it might not look so stupid at all. In my example maybe the wife didn't know that something like 90% of their stuff at home has come from China or other same kind of countries with...
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    Can husband still cancel his wife's promise to God?

    Or then you are thinking same way as is in Moses' law in the place that I quoted earlier, "Her husband may confirm or nullify any vow she makes or any sworn pledge to deny herself"? ...
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    Can husband still cancel his wife's promise to God?

    Thanks but I really would like to hear if you would support/help your wife to fulfill her promise in this kind of situation? Because I thought everybody here is just saying "promise is a promise". And my situation is not exactly what I described here, this is now an imaginable/theoretical...
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    Can husband still cancel his wife's promise to God?

    At least all the good and interesting boys' toys.
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    Can husband still cancel his wife's promise to God?

    Maybe your wife would not have time or power to do anything else at home in long time... your not believing friends would think you are crazy... and some believing friends too.. you would be afraid about your kids and when child protection services knock on your door. Almost all children's toys...
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    Can husband still cancel his wife's promise to God?

    One more question guys... would you yourself support your wife in fulfilling her promise, IF that would mean you should let big part of your home's property go into garbage? For example she has promised to put away all made in China products from your home because they persecute christians and...
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    Can husband still cancel his wife's promise to God?

    But what comes to the submissiveness of wives/women, apostole Paul appeals to the law (obviously from Old Testament, Genesis?): "Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law.” (1...
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    Can husband still cancel his wife's promise to God?

    Can I still ask why we should think this Bible place isn't valid anymore? Many other places that we think when we are talking about promises to God, are from Old Testament also. Like the place from Ecclesiastics that we should not Make promises, or that if we do, we shouldn't be slow with them...
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    Can husband still cancel his wife's promise to God?

    Also apostole Paul obeyed Moses' law's teaching about promises to God: "Paul stayed on in Corinth for some time. Then he left the brothers and sisters and sailed for Syria, accompanied by Priscilla and Aquila. Before he sailed, he had his hair cut off at Cenchreae because of a vow he had...
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    Can husband still cancel his wife's promise to God?

    I don't know if it's a vow or not but I think also these days it's quite common, that people in bad and dangerous places make promises to God. That they will become believers if God saves them or something like that. That they will become better persons or start preaching gospel. That's quite...
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    Can husband still cancel his wife's promise to God?

    ..and I add to my last answer that this question that I'm thinking this time really feels to be more difficult to me...
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    Can husband still cancel his wife's promise to God?

    (And now I have been able to give some christian teaching to my kids anyway and can take them in church too pretty often but that's a long story...)
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    Can husband still cancel his wife's promise to God?

    Thank you for welcoming me Melach. :) I'm from the capital Helsinki. Last time this chapter 30 gave me great help, when my ex-husband didn't let me take our kids to church (and that was very important to me). When I wished to get another child, I said to God that if he lets me get pregnant, I...
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    Can husband still cancel his wife's promise to God?

    Yes, another question about promises... in Moses' law the the husband or the father of a woman could take back his wife's promise to God: "And if she had at all an husband, when she vowed, or uttered ought out of her lips, wherewith she bound her soul; 7 And her husband heard it, and held his...
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    Do I have to fulfill my promise also on sunday?

    I guess nobody has ready answer to this, but if I have made God a promise, and it takes some days to fulfill it and pretty much work, what should I do on sunday? I should fulfill my promise quickly, but also avoid working on sunday and keep that day holy to God. Old days it was a sin to do any...