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  1. SonOfAdam

    quick request for a friend

    I have a friend in another city who is emotionally upset and agitated by her family. Money spent, plans criticised etc. I dont know if she has a place to live now. Please pray for her to become calm and that God may bless her and solve her problems in one way or another. She is a good Christian...
  2. SonOfAdam

    Anniversary :(

    Tomorrow is the 3 year aniversary of me and my ex fiance admitting that we wanted to marry each other in a few years. That is how our relationship started. The wedding would likely have been last month. I may have been a father this year. Except that her family pressured her so much that she...
  3. SonOfAdam

    In memory of our 7 in heaven. Please read.

    LINK: Lost futures: Young lives full of promise - School Canyoning Tragedy - NZ Herald News LINK: Canyoning tragedy too fast for rescuers - School Canyoning Tragedy - NZ Herald News Today marks the 3rd aniversary of the Mangatepopo River Tragedy - Elim Christian College - New Zealand - April...
  4. SonOfAdam

    a few prayer points

    I have a few requests. Some of you are already praying for me about these so thank you very much. These are some particulars to aid in those prayers. 1. My relationship with God. Particularly I am trying to become a better leader/potential husband. 2. My Ex's relationship with God. She has had...
  5. SonOfAdam

    urgent prayer

    Please keep my friend in your prayers. She is about ready to explode mentally and I ask God protect her from herself and any things she may do to herself or others.
  6. SonOfAdam

    prayer for testimony giver

    Alisa says: I could do with some prayer right now too I am giving my testimony on Saturday to a conference it is a bit scary It is quite a personal testimony and sensitive - I have never given in public before
  7. SonOfAdam

    prayer request

    Please pray for me. Trying to make some hard decisions that will affect the rest of my life. Really big stuff. What I want is not within my grasp, tho it is within God's will to place it there if he so desires. I've been begging he would. Everyone around me is advising me to abandon it and just...
  8. SonOfAdam

    option to delete thread you started

    Request for option to delete a thread that you started. Sometimes it gets out of hand and instead of a mod having to do it the original poster would be able to. Also valuable when you say something you shouldn't have.
  9. SonOfAdam

    jade and family

    Please pray for my friend Jade, and her family. She is missing a relative who passed away not long ago. She is feeling down. While I don't think she has a knowledge of salvation personally, God still comforts those he chooses to.
  10. SonOfAdam

    It ended.

    For those who have been praying for me and my relationship problems, they are now over. Unless God works a miracle there is 0% chance that she will ever give us another chance. I had had hope until yesterday. Things she had said and done, things she had told other people. While she did love me...
  11. SonOfAdam

    2 former chatters

    Prayer request for two former chatters. Separated by distance and personal issues. They both love each other but have separated in order to fix the issues first. Add medical problems in there too. Please pray for them and they way they deal with this issue. It's hurting both of them a lot. Ty.
  12. SonOfAdam

    urgent and ongoing prayer request

    Please pray for me now. I'm so stressed out and near to flipping out completely. The woman I love, the one I was engaged to, the one I was ready to marry and have a family with and did commit to that, has decided the only way I'm going to get over her is to block me and ignore me completely...
  13. SonOfAdam

    pray for my friend

    Thanks all for praying for my last requests, still have no real changes but I know God is in control. Today I'm asking for prayer for a friend who is struggling with faith and in particular struggling to put off the fruit of the fleash. They are a relatively new Christian and old distructive...
  14. SonOfAdam

    Am lost and can't find my way

    Please pray for me. I'm usually the one asking prayer for other people in their lives and their problems, but this last week my own problems are starting to get to me. As many of you probably already know, I was supposed to be getting married this month. But 4 months ago the woman that I love...
  15. SonOfAdam

    Major Healing required

    I know that God can heal a person when He chooses to. And I know there is power in prayer. I have a friend who has what I guess could only be termed a mental illness. It is very serious. For their privacy I won't give any more details on it. What I am asking here is for people to please pray...
  16. SonOfAdam

    Life is hard

    Hello all. I have a close friend who has a whole heap of issues that require prayer. As they are a chatter here I won't go into specifics, but in summary form they need a financial, emotional, physical and spiritual miracle or 10. Family and friends sometimes fight against this person's good...