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    When will Jesus return?

    Please forgive me for not including references to these verses and any mistakes by recalling from memory because I am setting in a truck in the rain, and my phone is being slow. No man knoweth the day nor hour of the Lord's return. [but you could narrow it down to a few hours and the statement...

    Doctrine Discussion

    Earlier today I wrote, on paper, the beginning argument of a major discussion on doctrine. Then I logged onto CC here and went to type it all out in the BDF. Then I realized that my discussion was not really about understanding particular Bible verses. Needless to say, I will not be posting...

    Butt dialed. To listen or hang up.

    Well I just got butt dialed. Hello. Hello? On the other end there was singing. It was joyful singing about someone bleeding to death. When finished singing, the man asked his wife if she wanted to watch Sanford and Sons all night. She declined. He then asked if she wanted to watch some porn...

    I gots an Avatar image

    I'm so excited, and I just couldn't help myself but to share my excitement. Its almost like graduating from first grade.

    Affordable Health Insurance Scam

    In the USA, we are all subject to the effects of the Affordable Health Care Act, and those politicians are some very good actors. If you have a high school economics book, then you can follow along with my brief explanation of this scam. It was sold to the general public as a means to ensure...

    Peter denied by Jesus

    Matthew 10: 33 But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven. John 18: Now Simon Peter stood and warmed himself. Therefore they said to him, “You are not also one of His disciples, are you?”He denied it and said, “I am not!” 26 One of the...

    Jesus Christ 2016

    What if every Christian wrote in Jesus Christ when voting for President? I mean it. Elections are being rigged. We need to vote for who we trust the most to win! Jesus Christ 2016 Make The Earth Great Again!

    Political Rhetoric

    First semester of college 2008, I remember having to write an essay about Political Rhetoric. Unfortunately, I do not have a copy of it, nor do I recall my thesis. If asked to do it again, then I would write, "Polititians say what the people want to hear and remain as ambiguous as possible...

    Cellphone battery

    Last night I asked my wife, "How do you do that thing on your phone where recent apps pop up, and you can swipe some away or choose one?" She says, "You double tap the home button, and you use it to stop apps from running in the background to conserve battery." So, I tried it and said, "I closed...
  10. SCHISM

    A Kingdom United

    I was of the "legalistic" mindset for nearly four years, wanting to keep the law according to Moses, not to earn salvation which is by faith in Him, but because it appeared that Christian doctrine teaches disobedience to things God said to do "for ever" and "alway," and I wanted to be an...
  11. SCHISM

    A Kingdom Divided

    I have been reading threads on this site for about a week now and decided to register and join the discussion. There is a dispute between those who seek to keep the "old" law and those who are born again under the "new" law. Although when the "new" law followers tell the "old" law followers that...