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  1. R

    can someone explain why do we christians say Jesus is God himself

    Can you have some good replies - here are two more if I miss them sorry Thomas said to Jesus my Lord and my God Jesus identified himself as God though many say that's not what he was doing he said before Abraham was I Am (English version for...
  2. R

    What are UFOs to you?

    I have to start with the definition of the word alien / extraterrestrial. The word alien coined in the 1950s to mean a being from space with the release of Orson Welles's HG Wells War of the World movie. The word extraterrestrial meaning being from outside of Earth became popular in the 1950s...
  3. R

    Is God one or is He three?

    I love to say our Father spoke himself into physical form - therefore is called the Word of God. In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God the same was in the beginning with God _ John 1:1-2 And he was clothed in a vesture dipped in blood and his name is...
  4. R

    Why So Many Different Christian Views?

    According to the book of Revelation only two of the seven churches received a fair report - indicating their are problems in most of the churches. According to Peter the righteous scarcely be saved - also indicating there is a problem with the righteousness of those who consider themselves...
  5. R

    Is covid a front for dictatorship?

    Scripture says when you see these things begin to occur - tells us the end is not yet it tells us that these are the beginning of sorrows. These things are the prophecies written in Matthew 24, Luke 21, Daniel 12, and others. My belief is yes, this is a prelude to what is in the not to far...
  6. R

    How old is our creation really?

    Thank you I learned that rather quickly when the notice came up.
  7. R

    How old is our creation really?

    So according your answer of using the scripture you have given and and you're saying man in the universe are the same age - that would mean that according to your views man and the universe was created on the first day. Man was created on the sixth day - so they cannot be the same age. Nice...
  8. R

    How old is our creation really?

    I see you pinpointed out one particular phrase and not even the correction that I made on it. Shows your deceitfulness. My statement is concerning the age of Adam before he sinned. And I reported your insulting manner.
  9. R

    How old is our creation really?

    Then when the Bible says one day anywhere in Scripture it should be interpreted as one day and not one week, or one month, or one year Christians do. Days and and weeks are interpreted differently throughout scripture, meaning, so what you're saying should apply to all. That's why it's a lot...
  10. R

    How old is our creation really?

    You are so correct, the age of the Earth or the age of Adam doesn't matter. Your relationship with God and whether you will be redeemed is where salvation occurs. This is just conversation - expressing one's views, preferably without insulting or name-calling as some do.
  11. R

    How old is our creation really? The Age of the Earth From Judaic Traditional Literature | Earth ...
  12. R

    How old is our creation really?

    Dogmatic statements - ha ha being nice - again you are referring to Adams age after he sinned. Again nowhere in scripture does it say Adams age before he sinned. And yes it is my opinion and the opinion of many others as is yours...
  13. R

    How old is our creation really?

    Thank you, I agree, there is no mention of Adams age before he ate of the tree of knowledge. There are many these days who believe Adam and Eve through the Tree of Life had immortality, thus all of their offspring. Did death...
  14. R

    How old is our creation really?

    Since they won't let me edit my reply to you - I write this ... Show me in scripture the age of Adam """before he sinned""" that is what my initial statement is concerning - how long Adam existed before he ate from the Tree of knowledge.
  15. R

    How old is our creation really?

    First off I didn't quote Genesis 3:22 as it is written. Second off Genesis 2:16-17 before God even made Eve he told Adam that he could eat of every tree except the tree of knowledge and if the tree of knowledge was there, then the tree of life was there too. Adam even named all the animals...
  16. R

    How old is our creation really?

    Show me where the Word of God says that the age of the universe is the age of human life - which still turns out to be about six thousand years. Know where in the Bible is the age of the universe mentioned nor the age of mankind it is men misinterpretation of time that has calculated six...
  17. R

    How old is our creation really? 🎥 How Do We Know the Earth Is 4.6 Billion Years Old? | Smart News ... How Did Scientists Calculate the Age of Earth? |...
  18. R

    How old is our creation really?

    I have read the entire book of Genesis and the rest of the Bible throughout the years many times. And it does not say that the Earth is 6,000 years old 30,000 years old or how old the Earth is nor does it say how old Adam was before he sinned. The chronological order Adams descendants starts...