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    Robert Morris says Jonathan had a "Jezebel spirit"

    why are people so pedantic, picking what every little term as if they are bettering the conversation. Most of ttime they just run themselves in circles, for example, "tithing is NOT giving, and giving is NOT tithing", followed moments later by, "tithing is giving". We are not commanded to...
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    Robert Morris says Jonathan had a "Jezebel spirit"

    Yes this can be an issue, but without tithing the ministry might be challenging to do, and I don't just mean monetary tithing. In fact I wish more people would tithe of their time instead of their money, we would have a better chance of being a church family if we stopped being consumers.
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    Robert Morris says Jonathan had a "Jezebel spirit"

    Tithing is not a ordinance, to use your word, just something that is beneficial to both the ministry and the individual. Jesus didn't say that the woman need not or should not have given her two mites. Though the OT law of tithing may not apply to us does not mean there is not benefit, many...
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    Robert Morris says Jonathan had a "Jezebel spirit"

    That quote seems to be more a, God calls you to be part of his ministry and tithing is a straight forward way to do that, so not doing it is giving a good on your life to temptation. Holding on to wealth is a temptation that can end badly, see Annanias and Saphira, wealth is not the problem it...
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    A Biblical Cosmology / God's Flat Earth

    You clearly get what I was saying, there are those that claim that vaccines do negative things; for example, that the covid vaccine causes infertility despite the mountain of research which shows it's covid that can cause infertility not the vaccine. But then there are many who will go to the...
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    A Biblical Cosmology / God's Flat Earth

    I have never understood the flat earth concept. I assume it comes from the misconception that before Columbus everyone including the church thought the world was flat, which is historically false. Also we know that all other celestial bodies we have studied are round why would the earth be...
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    I hope there's (blank) in Heaven.

    My wife wants a lecture theatre where she can learn from Paul and others and ask all the questions she has always wanted to. :p
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    God is good

    Cause if he wasn't we would be all doomed. How could a un good God have the ability to die for our sins.
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    World disasters

    Technically the answer is yes and no. Could God stop these things, yes, does he have some legitimate reason for not doing so, obviously, but does he cause them, no, you can thank the fall of us for that one.
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    All those who seek refuge put their trust and hope in Him

    To be honest that was my first thought, but this is clearly being used as a symbol of not doing things that are wrong even if it means paying a price.
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    Need some advice is possible

    Porn is harmful, full stop. There is lots of actual research showing this, much of it not even done by Christians. This coming from a long time porn addict. Bring it up again advise him if he is not willing to change you will seek pastoral help. He clearly doesn't see this as an issue of he...
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    Today's thought is...

    I wish that were true, but for better or worse the past is with us, no matter how far down we try to bury it.
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    We Need Prayers

    I am glad you are safe. I am praying for you as I type this message. I live in British Columbia where we were recently ravaged by floods, so I feel you pain. I hope you continue to safe and that God blesses you in ways you could never imagine.
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    How many of you are open to having new Christian friendships?

    short answer is yes. Slightly longer answer is I am a socially awkward introvert who knows he needs friends, but doesn't know how to make them. My last truly close friendship was...twenty or so years ago.
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    Are Men Really Attracted to a Woman's Great Pair of... Eyelashes?

    never even consider a woman's eyelashes when look at attractiveness, her eye definitely.
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    Isolated and depressed

    that is very concerning considering the relationship I have seen. A Christian man with no oversight is a dangerous thing. Do you attend a local church? If not I would get connected now and if he tries to block it by any means (and I mean any...coersion, the Satan thing (which by the way is using...
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    Of course He notices, the sad thing is so many humans don't and many of those even aware of the numbers don't consider it muder.
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    Comment by 'Buckle' in media 'FB_IMG_1639150897432.jpg'

    Where as Planned Parenthood, carries out Herod's orders every day.
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    I need to open up...yes I know this isn't really the same as talking to someone, but since I don't have that type of person in my life... A few moments ago, a prime example of my frustration, or why I am frustrated took place. I bought a cover for my wife's car windshield and she...