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  1. HatedForNoReason

    GOD is hiding information from his only Son.
  2. HatedForNoReason

    GOD is hiding information from his only Son.

    God causing events to happen, is one way God answers your prayer.
  3. HatedForNoReason

    GOD is hiding information from his only Son.

    Pray to God for everything and he will lead you to what you pray for.
  4. HatedForNoReason

    GOD is hiding information from his only Son.

    Only 8 people saved in Noah's ark. I assume less than 1% of the world are God's elects. We are already at the birth pangs=wars, famines, earthquakes.
  5. HatedForNoReason

    Jesus comes immediately AFTER the tribulation, there is no Left Behind Secret Rapture=Stop causing fear.

    Book of Revelation is a symbolic book... If you take all of it literally, you will have nightmares.
  6. HatedForNoReason

    The Atonement: What did it REALLY Accomplish?

    That's the transfer from kingdom of Satan to the 1000 year spiritual kingdom of Christ, when God gives the Holy Spirit to God's elects some point in their lives. Book of Revelation is a symbolic book.
  7. HatedForNoReason

    The Atonement: What did it REALLY Accomplish? Jesus suffered for eternity in our 3 hrs time in Hellfire. Remember God is outside of our time. Timeline Jesus lived perfect sinless life=Jesus knees on garden of gethsemane sweating tears of blood because Jesus knows he...
  8. HatedForNoReason

    When you feel you do not belong ( in a church)

    Nonelects=body of Satan 2 Timothy 4:3-5 New King James Version 3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; 4 and they will turn their ears away from the truth...
  9. HatedForNoReason

    Why be baptised? Total Depravity - As a result of Adam’s fall, the entire human race is affected; all humanity is dead in trespasses and sins. Man is unable to save himself (Genesis 6:5; Jeremiah 17:9; Romans 3:10-18). Unconditional Election - Because man is dead in...
  10. HatedForNoReason

    Hebrews 6 & 10 DO NOT speak to "losing your salvation" on!

    I have been a recluse since I was born and had very few friends. The reason why am hated for no reason since I were physically born and never fit in no matter how hard I tried is because am one of God’s elects. (John 15:18-19) John 15:18-19 King James Version 18 If the world hate you, ye know...
  11. HatedForNoReason

    Hebrews 6 & 10 DO NOT speak to "losing your salvation" on!

    Salvation can't be lost. Only God's elects can receive the Holy Spirit.
  12. HatedForNoReason

    Jesus comes immediately AFTER the tribulation, there is no Left Behind Secret Rapture=Stop causing fear.

    All governments destroyed to prepare for when Satan comes, than Satan tries to fix it all up with tower of babel=one world government. Than nonelects worship Satan as the fake 2nd Coming of Jesus with great miracles and God sends strong delusion on all nonelects. After a short time, the Real...
  13. HatedForNoReason

    Jesus comes immediately AFTER the tribulation, there is no Left Behind Secret Rapture=Stop causing fear.

    So great tribulation is Matthew 24:6-7 King James Version 6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. 7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be...
  14. HatedForNoReason

    What's a good first car ?

    toyota= 2k-3k last a couple years.
  15. HatedForNoReason

    Will prices continue to rise ?

    Am describing what Jesus had to suffer through, which is Hell=the punishment of sin. Also listing out scripture of Heaven.
  16. HatedForNoReason

    Will prices continue to rise ? Jesus drank the cup of the wrath of God when he was on the cross, in order to pay for all of God’s elects’s sin debts. Jesus started...
  17. HatedForNoReason

    Will prices continue to rise ?

    By read the 10 commandments, I found proof that TV, movies, watching sports (violence like football, covet their lives and they are idols), novels, music, video games and computer games are all sins, except Christian stuff that don’t have sins like sermons. Jesus only died for the elect...
  18. HatedForNoReason

    Will prices continue to rise ?

    I already posted the true gospel. You must be one of God's elect in order to receive the Holy Spirit. 2 Corinthians 1:22 New King James Version 22 who also has sealed us and given us (God's elects) the Spirit in our hearts as a guarantee. Holy Spirit has the effect of removing boredom...
  19. HatedForNoReason

    Jesus comes immediately AFTER the tribulation, there is no Left Behind Secret Rapture=Stop causing fear.

    No point in arguing. I assume 99% of the world are nonelects and God will send strong delusion on the nonelects. 2 Thessalonians 2:3-13 King James Version 3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be...