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  1. C

    1 Chr 26:12-19

    1 Chronicles 26:12-19 King James Version (KJV)12 Among these were the divisions of the porters, even among the chief men, having wards one against another, to minister in the house of the Lord. 13 And they cast lots, as well the small as the great, according to the house of their fathers, for...
  2. C

    Mark 1:7-8

    Mark 1:7-8 King James Version (KJV)7 And preached, saying, There cometh one mightier than I after me, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to stoop down and unloose. 8 I indeed have baptized you with water: but he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost. Mark 1:7-8 Expanded Bible (EXB) 7...
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    1 Chr 26:1-11

    1 Chronicles 26:1-11 King James Version (KJV)26 Concerning the divisions of the porters: Of the Korhites was Meshelemiah the son of Kore, of the sons of Asaph. 2 And the sons of Meshelemiah were, Zechariah the firstborn, Jediael the second, Zebadiah the third, Jathniel the fourth, 3 Elam the...
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    Mark 1:4-6

    Mark 1:4-6 King James Version (KJV)4 John did baptize in the wilderness, and preach the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins. 5 And there went out unto him all the land of Judaea, and they of Jerusalem, and were all baptized of him in the river of Jordan, confessing their sins. 6 And...
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    1 Chr 25:8-30

    1 Chronicles 25:8-30 King James Version (KJV)8 And they cast lots, ward against ward, as well the small as the great, the teacher as the scholar. 9 Now the first lot came forth for Asaph to Joseph: the second to Gedaliah, who with his brethren and sons were twelve: 10 The third to Zaccur, he...
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    1 Chr 25:1-7

    1 Chronicles 25:1-7 King James Version (KJV)25 Moreover David and the captains of the host separated to the service of the sons of Asaph, and of Heman, and of Jeduthun, who should prophesy with harps, with psalteries, and with cymbals: and the number of the workmen according to their service...
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    Mark 1:1-3

    Mark 1:1-3 King James Version (KJV)1 The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God; 2 As it is written in the prophets, Behold, I send my messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy way before thee. 3 The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord...
  8. C

    1 Chr 24:26-31

    1 Chronicles 24:26-31 King James Version (KJV) 26 The sons of Merari were Mahli and Mushi: the sons of Jaaziah; Beno. 27 The sons of Merari by Jaaziah; Beno, and Shoham, and Zaccur, and Ibri. 28 Of Mahli came Eleazar, who had no sons. 29 Concerning Kish: the son of Kish was Jerahmeel. 30 The...
  9. C

    Matt 28:18-20

    Matthew 28:18-20 King James Version (KJV) 18 And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. 19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: 20 Teaching them to observe all...
  10. C

    1 Chr 24:20-25

    1 Chronicles 24:20-25 King James Version (KJV)20 And the rest of the sons of Levi were these: Of the sons of Amram; Shubael: of the sons of Shubael; Jehdeiah. 21 Concerning Rehabiah: of the sons of Rehabiah, the first was Isshiah. 22 Of the Izharites; Shelomoth: of the sons of Shelomoth; Jahath...
  11. C

    Matt 28:16-17

    Matthew 28:16-17 King James Version (KJV) 16 Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, into a mountain where Jesus had appointed them. 17 And when they saw him, they worshipped him: but some doubted. Matthew 28:16-17 21st Century King James Version (KJ21) 16 Then the eleven disciples...
  12. C

    1 Chr 24:18-19

    1 Chronicles 24:18-19 King James Version (KJV) 18 The three and twentieth to Delaiah, the four and twentieth to Maaziah. 19 These were the orderings of them in their service to come into the house of the Lord, according to their manner, under Aaron their father, as the Lord God of Israel had...
  13. C

    Matt 28:14-15

    Matthew 28:14-15 King James Version (KJV) 14 And if this come to the governor's ears, we will persuade him, and secure you. 15 So they took the money, and did as they were taught: and this saying is commonly reported among the Jews until this day. Matthew 28:14-15 Expanded Bible (EXB) 14 If...
  14. C

    1 Chr 24:11-17

    1 Chronicles 24:11-17 King James Version (KJV)11 The ninth to Jeshuah, the tenth to Shecaniah, 12 The eleventh to Eliashib, the twelfth to Jakim, 13 The thirteenth to Huppah, the fourteenth to Jeshebeab, 14 The fifteenth to Bilgah, the sixteenth to Immer, 15 The seventeenth to Hezir, the...
  15. C

    Matt 28:11-13

    Matthew 28:11-13 King James Version (KJV) 11 Now when they were going, behold, some of the watch came into the city, and shewed unto the chief priests all the things that were done. 12 And when they were assembled with the elders, and had taken counsel, they gave large money unto the soldiers...
  16. C

    1 Chr 24:7-10

    1 Chronicles 24:7-10 King James Version (KJV) 7 Now the first lot came forth to Jehoiarib, the second to Jedaiah, 8 The third to Harim, the fourth to Seorim, 9 The fifth to Malchijah, the sixth to Mijamin, 10 The seventh to Hakkoz, the eighth to Abijah, 1 Chronicles 24:7-10 Expanded Bible...
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    Matt 28:9-10

    Matthew 28:9-10 King James Version (KJV) 9 And as they went to tell his disciples, behold, Jesus met them, saying, All hail. And they came and held him by the feet, and worshipped him. 10 Then said Jesus unto them, Be not afraid: go tell my brethren that they go into Galilee, and there shall...
  18. C

    1 Chr 24:4-6

    1 Chronicles 24:4-6 King James Version (KJV) 4 And there were more chief men found of the sons of Eleazar than of the sons of Ithamar, and thus were they divided. Among the sons of Eleazar there were sixteen chief men of the house of their fathers, and eight among the sons of Ithamar according...
  19. C

    Matt 28:5-8

    Matthew 28:5-8 King James Version (KJV) 5 And the angel answered and said unto the women, Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified. 6 He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay. 7 And go quickly, and tell his disciples that he is...
  20. C

    1 Chr 24:1-3

    1 Chronicles 24:1-3 King James Version (KJV)24 Now these are the divisions of the sons of Aaron. The sons of Aaron; Nadab, and Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar. 2 But Nadab and Abihu died before their father, and had no children: therefore Eleazar and Ithamar executed the priest's office. 3 And David...