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  1. J

    Did the apostles teach baptism?

    I was trying to make the case that Peter as he discussed the conversion of Cornelius always seemed to say that people other than the Apostles and Cornelius received the Holy Spirit in the same manner as they did. In Acts 10:47 the 6 who accompanied him to Cornelius’ house. In Acts 11:17 those...
  2. J

    Did the apostles teach baptism?

    Appreciate your answer. Would like to hear your thoughts on this. I found a translation like this online and it has stuck with me. Especially since Luke 24:47 which has the same phrase “eis aphesin hamartion“ upon repentance without any mention of baptism. The same phrase “eis aphesin...
  3. J

    Did the apostles teach baptism?

    Immersion in the Holy Spirit? As opposed to immersion in water.
  4. J

    Did the apostles teach baptism?

    Would you agree then that the Elders in Acts 15 received the Holy Spirit prior to baptism Since there was no distinction between them, the Apostles, and Cornelius. And also in Acts 11 those of the party of the circumcision to whom Peter was speaking received the Holy Spirit without baptism...
  5. J

    Did the apostles teach baptism?

    “The apostles and the elders were gathered together to consider this matter. And after there had been much debate, Peter stood up and said to them, “Brothers, you know that in the early days God made a choice among you, that by my mouth the Gentiles should hear the word of the gospel and...
  6. J

    Did the apostles teach baptism?

    That first part was meant to refer to Acts 10:47. We in this verse refers to the 6 who accompanied Peter to the house of Cornelius. Those 6 had received the Holy Spirit in the same manner.
  7. J

    Did the apostles teach baptism?

    Consider who us refers to in “as upon us at the beginning”. It includes the 6 who accompanied Peter. They also received the Holy Spirit in the same manner. Also consider Acts 11:16-17: Peter again uses us to refer to the party of the circumcision and includes them as having received the...
  8. J

    Did the apostles teach baptism?

    I agree with the way you view this verse. Just want to call attention to another interesting fact about 1 Peter 3:21. In Codex Sinaiticus and Papyrus 72 a semicolon appears in the Greek text after saves and before baptism. The semicolon is very prominent in Papyrus 72. If you give weight to...
  9. J

    Did the apostles teach baptism?

    In Jesus’ words. Luke 24:44-48 ESV Then he said to them, “These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you, that everything written about me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled.” Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures, and...
  10. J

    Is Acts 2.38 the plan of salvation ?

    The only way I can make sense of all of them together assuming the traditional English understanding of the verses is to say that they all have to work. If you do that, you begin to ask yourself, what is the simplest most direct route of all of these? That would be repentance or a change of...
  11. J

    Is Acts 2.38 the plan of salvation ?

    Luke 24:44-48 ESV Then he said to them, “These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you, that everything written about me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled.” Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures, and said to them, “Thus...
  12. J

    What About Saved by Grace? Update: Please Read.

    Lastofall I agree completely. Just to reinforce what you have already stated, the word “for“ at the beginning of verse 10 is the greek word ”gar.” Strong’s Concordance (#1063) says it is a conjunction used to express cause, explanation, inference or continuation. So this greek word...
  13. J

    Is Acts 2.38 the plan of salvation ?

    I think you may be misunderstanding what I am trying to show. If we are immersed into forgiveness of sins, then the immersion is not into water. I am trying to show that if you see Acts 2:38 the way I laid it out, it totally agrees with Luke 24:47. Luke 24:47 uses the same greek phrases, but...
  14. J

    Is Acts 2.38 the plan of salvation ?

    If you see Acts 2:38 the way I laid it out in the response you quoted it agrees exactly with Acts 16:30-31, Romans 10:9-10, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4, and Ephesians 1:13-14. I know it differs from conventional interpretations, but if you simply look up the greek words it is what you end up with.
  15. J

    Is Acts 2.38 the plan of salvation ?

    Acts does lay out the process or order that was used to bring the gospel to the different groups. Notice Acts 1:8 tells us that the Apostles will be his witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth. Acts 2 Jerusalem Acts 8 Samaria Acts 10...
  16. J

    Is Acts 2.38 the plan of salvation ?

    I think they knew earlier. Matthew 28:19 Luke 24:47 Acts 1:6-8
  17. J

    Is Acts 2.38 the plan of salvation ?

    Also 1 John 3:21-24
  18. J

    Is Acts 2.38 the plan of salvation ?

    Eternally-grateful is correct. Jesus tells us a few verses later that these people are not believers. They want to know how he is performing the miracles they have seen. If you read through John 5 and on to this point in Chapter 6 you will see Jesus telling the people about how the Father is...
  19. J

    Is Acts 2.38 the plan of salvation ?

    I agree that eis means into. If you look up the other words you end up with something like this: Change your mind and be immersed on the authority of Jesus Christ into forgiveness of sins. The immersion here is into forgiveness of sins, not water. The phrase “into forgiveness of sins“ can...
  20. J

    Is Acts 2.38 the plan of salvation ?

    Eternally-grateful is correct. Jesus tells us a few verses later that these people are not believers. They want to know how he is performing the miracles they have seen. If you read through John 5 and on to this point in Chapter 6 you will see Jesus telling the people about how the Father is...