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  1. Josh321

    A Little testimony from your fellow brother

    well tonight God spoke to me, not literally but i could feel it in my heart, he was telling me i gotta get back to the word, over the last few weeks i've been fallen and getting back up continuously and my faith was low at that time so i started to lose trust because of how difficult this...
  2. Josh321

    Why, The Modern Day Church is in A mess

    it's pretty simple everyone is just doing their own thing and have their own theologies, instead of actually paying attention to what God said, every church age has an angel for that age and this age we are living in is the very last age the laodicea age, there is a total of 7 church ages and 7...
  3. Josh321

    I Have A Question.

    What happens to someone when they are demon possessed? and what happens to them when an evil spirit has a hold on them ( This isn't truly the question i want to ask but it's leading up to there )
  4. Josh321

    Outside Of The Kingdom?

    i strongly believe that they will be some people outside of the kingdom of God, i believe these people will be the ones that worship God without the holy spirit and never came to grasp of the holy spirit or never received it, what does everyone think? it's just a theory but i honestly believe...
  5. Josh321

    Are You Scared to believe?

    honestly i just had to make this thread, because i'm still puzzled and confused, how can people say there is no God when there is so much evil being manifested in plain sight it's ridiculous, they are countless satanism videos on youtube that even show the devil manifesting himself, i even got...
  6. Josh321

    i'm back

    Took a short break and i missed my fellow brothers and sisters in christ so i'm back, ready to fellowship with you all once again :) God bless
  7. Josh321

    Predestinated From The Beginning Of Time

    Ephesians 1:4King James Version (KJV) 4 According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love: i don't think people fully understand or aware how much this means to us that have been chosen, that God predestinated...
  8. Josh321

    Bride isn't going to be in the tribulation

    The church is going to be gone before anything, it's not our fault that we were made gentiles which are unbelievers but the israel are guilty of killing the messiah so that is why they will go through the tribulation Matthew 27:24-25King James Version (KJV) 24 When Pilate saw that he could...
  9. Josh321

    Different types of Demonic Spirits and Strongholds and some of there manifestations

    Well tonight i actually had a break through in my life, from the past few weeks i had slip back into the spirit of bondage and lust.. and couldn't find a way out, until tonight i felt like the sermon that was preach by the pastor was speaking directly to me it was talking about different spirits...
  10. Josh321

    Why does Africa suffer so much?

    i know it is the destination of the most witchcraft in the world, but why does africa suffer so much? just curious thousands of children dying from starvation i just saw a video so that is what lead me to make this thread, if we look at the world other continents struggle also but out of all...
  11. Josh321

    @ Atheist and Non believers

    if you really do care what is true and what is false, i'm willing to point out simple things that proves that christianity is real up to you to listen or not, gonna just show you a verse of what the bible says and what i'm about to discuss with you Romans 2:14For when the Gentiles, which have...
  12. Josh321

    is it possible to lose....?

    well lets just say... i've fallen down pretty hard and seem to be stuck and can't get out, been like this for a few weeks.. and what's worst.. i feel like im losing something, but long story short.. is it possible to lose salvation..?
  13. Josh321


    The word of God said so, so then why would you not accept it? that means something is missing, i urge anyone who is trying to be justified by the law to seek God with all their heart to truly be born again and be under the spirit of the law 30 What shall we say then? That the Gentiles, which...
  14. Josh321

    What am i doing wrong? someone please tell me

    i just don't know, my life just took a massive turn and i have no idea where it is headed, things were going pretty good at first when i first accepted christ in my life, i was speaking to him and he was replying back to me through various ways and showing me what to do, but now i don't know...
  15. Josh321

    What Do You Believe In and Why?

    hello everyone thought it would be interesting to make a thread like this, over the past few weeks now i've seen countless arguments and the problem hasn't been resolved, so the best thing to do since we love each other share what you believe is the current doctrine/road we suppose to be on and...
  16. Josh321

    Something To Think About

    if we are suppose to be under the grace of God and i'm seeing crazy threads like can a legalist be under grace? and other things, well the bible said it and you see it just shows his far away people are from God, i urge everyone to seek the face of God for understanding, when you seek you will...
  17. Josh321

    One True Faith When We Are In Christ

    Blessings brothers and sisters, just wanted to share a free things 13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:14 That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and...
  18. Josh321

    Please help...

    hello brothers and sisters.. idk where to start but i deeply need your help, my life just took a turn and idk how to get back where i was... i'm fighting so hard but it's like i'm being attacked even more hard, i can feel myself slipping back into my flesh and it's eating me up inside..i don't...