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  1. S

    Which is more important looks or personality?

    well i asked myself this question alot, there is no right or wrong answer because we're all unique and different and that's okay, so I'll tell you my experience. I used to watch this show a while back and the hosts were two brothers who were very aesthetically pleasing, to me one more than the...
  2. S

    (Potentially) Profound Thoughts

    Tha That's so deep and true
  3. S

    Let's play!

    Let's play "who said it" Bible edition. This is how it goes You quote a Bible verse or statement and someone tries to get who said it or what part of the Bible it's from For example, " you are the salt of the earth" Who said it? Jesus
  4. S

    Last person to post wins

    I wiiiiiiiiiiin
  5. S

    Hiiii! I need some friends

    Hey everyone, I'm new here, I'm also a new believer and I'm looking for Christian friends to chat with. Thanks!
  6. S

    Looking for born again Christian friends

    heyy! me too, ive noted down your number