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  1. R

    Just a few thoughts regarding the Last Days

    Satan is trying to kill all of God's servants and God is using this to REFINE our walk with Him. In the last 5 years I had a Heart Attack, Prostrate removed, then COVID 19 ad C-DIFF back to back. God has humbled me to the point I started saying what I learned for many years isn't always God's...
  2. R

    Hitler the seventh head of the beast

    This is not true per se. What people don't get is the bible proves all of these things out. Many times God gives us Prophesies then helps paint the picture with PAST EVENTS. For example, when was Jesus born before John received the Rev. 12 revelation or after? Before of course, thus when Rev. 12...
  3. R

    Hitler the seventh head of the beast

    Jesus is telling the Disciples their fate also. The END is the 70th week. That's why Jesus goes from the END in verse 14 straight into the AoD and the 70th week. So, the Last Week ENDS Satan's rule over mankind, better known as Babylon the Great. Jesus' 100 year rule is not THE END, that is the...
  4. R

    Hitler the seventh head of the beast

    Correct, Daniel was looking forward in time, John is looking from the 70th week as written in the book of Revelation, BACK IN TIME. thus we get all of the Beasts in reverse order, EXCEPT the one he is dealing with last....We get in reverse order via the 7 Headed Beast arising out of the Sea...
  5. R

    everything is predestined?

    This comes from LACK OF KNOWLEDGE As does THIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSSSSS.................... Both of your understandings of what Paul is referring unto would be quenched if you would dig in, God says only those who seek Him with all their hears will find Him ad thus understand His ways. By...
  6. R

    Hitler the seventh head of the beast

    I will go with that as being close enough, John had a Curiosity of what he was AMAZED at.
  7. R

    Hitler the seventh head of the beast

    Which doesn't mean HE WAS IN THE DARK.........That is the point I was making, John was not completely in the dark on these things. When looking at what the modern day word marvel means people think QUESTON MARK, but as you showed here, it doesn't really mean that. I have done a DEEP DIVE on this...
  8. R

    Hitler the seventh head of the beast

    The end time Beast will have ZERO to do with the RCC. It all happens after the Rapture anyway, thus anyone not taken will understand these "RCC Leaders" were chumps themselves. People who put forth the RCC idea and/or even the Islamic Idea just do not understand prophecy. The Beast was/will be a...
  9. R

    Hitler the seventh head of the beast

    It doesn't mean he "Marveled" at anything, or "Admired" anything per se as the word implies via our understandings of that word. I think its more the case of John being IN AWE of what Jesus was showing him, he had a great Wonderment of these visions so to speak. won·der·ment /ˈwəndərmənt/ noun...
  10. R

    Hitler the seventh head of the beast

    Not quite right there bud. you ADDED a little info.... Rev. 17:7 And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath(Has not HAD its figurative in nature) the seven heads and ten horns. 8 The beast...
  11. R

    Jesus comes immediately AFTER the tribulation, there is no Left Behind Secret Rapture=Stop causing fear.

    Your problem is you do not put all of the Bible's context into your thinking. The AoD happens in the END TIMES, not in 70 AD, the bible is very very clear. We see ver and over that 790 AD was NOT the end, Jesus even told his disciples that the 70 AD event would NOT be the END, he said that would...
  12. R

    24 Elders seated around the throne, who are they ?

    Niether is the TRINITY, we know what advent means..... Advent: the arrival of a notable person, thing, or event. So, are you saying Jesus doesn't return to set up a 1000 year reign as the Lord of lords and King of kings? After first coming as a Suffering Servant whose Sacrifice of his life...
  13. R

    A golden key to understand the book of Revelations

    No, you are missing what HER SEED is brother, HER SEED is Jesus Christ Gal. 3:16 Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ. Here is the point, watch really close, because this proves the Pre Trib...
  14. R

    Daniel Chapter two

    You give me nothing, as a Preacher of over 35 years, this is my calling. If you can't understand it, maybe you ought to put in as much effort as I have, then the Hoy Spirit will reveal all things unto you.
  15. R

    A golden key to understand the book of Revelations

    Just like everything else, just like he LAST TRUMP, you are perfect again, WRONG AGAIN. Keep that streak going.
  16. R

    A golden key to understand the book of Revelations

    No, it is not, can't you read? Is God lying? The very scripture you say is the Jews who repented ing PROTECTED proves you wrong. It clearly states the Dragon (Satan) gets angry that he can not get at the Woman(Israel who repent and are protected), so how can THE WOMAN also be the Remnant he...
  17. R

    A golden key to understand the book of Revelations

    It is EASY to prove the Remnant here is the Gentile Church. Of course, those not understanding the timing of the Rapture will just run and hide or dodge these facts. Rev. 12:16 And the earth helped the woman(Israel), and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood(Anti-Christ...
  18. R

    A golden key to understand the book of Revelations

    And Jesus told us ALL TIME on earth is Tribulation, and thus the 2000 year Church Age Tribulation is GREATER as in 2000>7 and thus no matter how many tines anyone explains this unto you you will not receive it because you sir are stiff-necked. Those seen in Rev. 7:9-17 are CLEARLY SHOWN to not...
  19. R

    How the Pre-Trib Rapture Became Popular in the Modern Church

    Because you put forth erroneous understandings on 90 percent of all your posts. And when things like the LAST TRUMP are explained, you then just DUCK IT and continue with your own beliefs.
  20. R

    How the Pre-Trib Rapture Became Popular in the Modern Church

    And you do not understand His voice brother, because you hear Satan's small still voice that deceived Peter into trying to fight, Christians can also be lied to. When you get to heaven and understand you put forth many understandings that were falsehoods then a light bulb will go off.