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  1. D

    the Sabbath

    Wow, that's what you took away from that post. You really are blind. I will pray for you, Blessings Danny
  2. D

    the Sabbath

    "Because Abraham obeyed My voice and kept My charge, My commandments, My statutes, and My laws.” (Gen 26:5) OT The Commandments are mentioned all throughout the NT. "You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him alone shall you serve" (Matthew 4:10, see also 1Corinthians 8:4 - 6) "Little...
  3. D

    the Sabbath

    Yes, passages from the NT does cut it seeing that we are no longer under the old covenant the Old Testament laws. And you need to go back and look at a lot of my post and responses, I do nothing but give scripture and verse after verse after verse to back up what I believe. I know we all do not...
  4. D

    the Sabbath

  5. D

    the Sabbath

    2 Corinthians 4:4 "In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them." What does spellcheck have to do with the message? If you have a point of view post it otherwise...
  6. D

    the Sabbath

    Good luck to you too, you haven't given any proof of the Commandments being done away with or changed, all I keep hearing is that God abolished one of the Commandments, but all the others are still in affect but at the same time calming that all are part of the old Mosaic Law. Can't have it both...
  7. D

    the Sabbath

    Are you saying that there are two sets of Commandments? Genesis 26:5 is talking about the Ten Commandments and Gods Law. They are the same Commandments given to Moses later on Mount Si Commandment #1 – Worship only YHWH: Gen 22:5, 24:26, 48, 52 all describe worship of the true God of heaven...
  8. D

    the Sabbath

    I agree 100% I like it a lot. Amen, Blessings Danny
  9. D

    the Sabbath

    The old Mosaic law required a lot of observances and rituals and practices that no longer had to be observed once Crist died on the Cross because He was our sacrificial lamb. The 10 Commandments are mentioned and observed all throughout the NT. If they are part of the old Mosaic law, why are...
  10. D

    the Sabbath

    I'm not and Adventist, I'm just a Christian that believes in scripture, and believes that man has been greatly deceived. "...and think to change times and laws..." (Daniel 7:25) Like changing the Sabbath. Did you go to and look up the Sabbath. It is a Christian site.
  11. D

    the Sabbath

    Can't be much clearer than that.
  12. D

    the Sabbath

    The 7th day is the only day He set apart from the res and blessed, sanctified and hallowed. How can anyone take that away from scripture? You stated, nowhere in scripture is there any hint that sabbath keeping was practiced from Adom to Moses "Abraham obeyed My voice and kept My charge, My...
  13. D

    the Sabbath

  14. D

    the Sabbath

  15. D

    the Sabbath

    That is so wrong in so many ways. The Sabbath he is referring to is the one He blessed, sanctified and hallowed, the one he told us to remember and keep holy. Your statement on Sabbatarians is obdured, you presume way too much. and again, he is telling us that the sabbath will be observed. your...
  16. D

    the Sabbath

    Like I said got to
  17. D

    the Sabbath

    ***** IM NOT CATHOLIC, they rewrote the Ten Commandments, They got rid of the 2nd commandment "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image." then the split the 10th into two changing it to the 9th and 10th.
  18. D

    the Sabbath

    You posted - Galatians 6:14 - But God forbid that I should boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. What does that have to do with the Tru Sabbath observance -v- Sunday, or the Ten Command "He that saith, I know him, and...
  19. D

    the Sabbath

    your link says pope. (The Pope) Which is partially correct. Once again, it started with the protestant reformation when the Gentile believers wanted to separate themselves from the Jews because they were being persecuted by the Romans, so the changed there day of worship from the Sabbath to...
  20. D

    the Sabbath

    The only references to the first day of the week in the NT was to do with fellowship, getting together to break bread and even preach the gospel. Preaching the gospel any day of the week which they did does not change the Sabbath.