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  1. D

    the Sabbath

    You are blind and choose not to see. So many will obey the Commandments of men over scripture and follow their traditions. Q: why are the Ten Commandments repeated throughout the NT? Q: why is the Sabbath mentioned and observed 60 times in the NT?
  2. D

    the Sabbath

    Yes, the apostle Paul mentioned the Sabbath in his writings. However, there is some debate about the extent to which he upheld the Sabbath. According to the Ministry Magazine, Paul explicitly mentioned the Sabbath only once in Colossians 2:16, where the term occurs in the plural form (in Greek)...
  3. D

    the Sabbath

    I, liked your Post: The !0 Commandments referred to as the "Law of Liberty" How do you top that, Blessing, Danny
  4. D

    the Sabbath

    Do not worry about Dino, He will not give you scripture to back up anything. If you ask a question, he will not answer it just give some colorful commentary.
  5. D

    the Sabbath

    ]Is there a law After Christ ? Yes, the Ten Commandments. Is that law pointing out sin? all the Commandments point out sin. We still need a mediator today? No!. Christ die on the cross for us so we wouldn't need a mediator, we can go straight to the Lord through his son in prayer. The moral...
  6. D

    the Sabbath

    Yes, I will agree with that, The Law of Moses, is past, only Gods law still stands, (The Ten Commandments)
  7. D

    the Sabbath

    It doest say anything about killing Christians that observe the Sabbath, It says defileth the Sabbath
  8. D

    the Sabbath

    TMS he is wrong, he is misquoting the meaning scripture. And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, Speak thou also unto the children of Israel, saying, Verily my sabbaths ye shall keep: for it is a sign between me and you throughout your generations; that ye may know that I am the LORD that doth...
  9. D

    the Sabbath

    We are not under the old covenant through Christ crucifixion, The Ten Commandments are not part of the old covenant and are still to be observed and obeyed as in the evidence that they are repeated throughout the NT.
  10. D

    the Sabbath

    Look up rest as it refers to scripture, the word rest means Sabbath Keeping.
  11. D

    the Sabbath

    Question remains, why are the Ten Commandments repeated through the NT and the Sabbath mentioned and observed 60 times in the NT?
  12. D

    the Sabbath

    issue already addressed
  13. D

    the Sabbath

    Jesus, by the word "fulfill," meant that he would confirm and complete the prophetic and typological parts of the Law and Prophets. Therefore, (as most Christians will admit) some jots and tittles of the law have passed away -- but by no means all of the law. The whole Law won't be completed...
  14. D

    the Sabbath

    Did you copy this reply from website? You need to quote the source, otherwise your committing plagiarism. Plagiarism, presenting work or ideas from another source as your own, with or without consent of the original author. Here is how you avoid breaking the law. The line below is the source...
  15. D

    the Sabbath

    Amen, Danny Every time you ask someone to explain why the Ten commandments and the Sabbath are mentioned and observed in the NT they can't give an answer.
  16. D

    the Sabbath

    You still did not answer the Question, why are they there? What word?
  17. D

    the Sabbath

    #3. answer is wrong. It doesn't say anything about killing anyone that doesn't observe the sabbath, it says defileth the Sabbath. Defileth: Make foul, dirty, or unclean; pollute; taint; debase. Make impure for ceremonial use; desecrate. Sully, as a person's reputation. Archaic. Violate the...
  18. D

    the Sabbath

    I shouldn't even be responding to this post, but your colorful commentary is just right out absurd and nasty. You should be ashamed of yourself.
  19. D

    the Sabbath

    Jesus, by the word "fulfill," meant that he would confirm and complete the prophetic and typological parts of the Law and Prophets. Therefore, (as most Christians will admit) some jots and tittles of the law have passed away -- but by no means all of the law. The whole Law won't be completed...
  20. D

    the Sabbath

    Why must it have changed? You just made an assumption, give me scripture showing that it was changes and what changes were made.