Search results

  1. Beth220

    The 10 Commandments

    Answer: The devil hates those who uphold God’s law because the law is a pattern of right living, so it is not surprising that he bitterly opposes all who uphold God’s law. In his war against God’s holy standard, he goes so far as to use religious leaders to deny the Ten Commandments while at...
  2. Beth220

    The 10 Commandments

    10. What enables a truly converted Christian to follow the pattern of God’s law? “I will put My laws in their mind and write them on their hearts” (Hebrews 8:10). “I can do all things through Christ” (Philippians 4:13). “God did by sending His own Son … that the righteous requirement of the law...
  3. Beth220

    The 10 Commandments

    4. Why is God’s law exceedingly important to you personally? “Speak and so do as those who will be judged by the law of liberty” (James 2:12). Answer: Because the Ten Commandment law is the standard by which God examines people in the heavenly judgment. 5. Can God’s law (the Ten...
  4. Beth220

    The 10 Commandments

    The 10 commandments are the moral law of God that stand fast forever, when something is written in stone it means that it cant be broken. People usually confuse the 10 commandments law with the ceremonial and sacrificial laws which were a shadow of things to come. Meaning till Jesus come for it...
  5. Beth220

    The 10 Commandments

    Thought Questions 1. Doesn’t the Bible say the law was (or is) faulty? No. The Bible says the people were faulty. God found “fault with them” (Hebrews 8:8). And in Romans 8:3 the Bible says that the law “was weak through the flesh.” It is always the same story. The law is perfect, but the...
  6. Beth220

    Working on the Sabbath Day?

    [QUO Thought Questions 1. But isn’t the Sabbath for the Jews only? No. Jesus said, “The Sabbath was made for man” (Mark 2:27). It is not for the Jews only, but for mankind—all men and women everywhere. The Jewish nation did not even exist until 2,500 years after the Sabbath was made. 2...
  7. Beth220

    Working on the Sabbath Day?

    The sabbath is actually Saturday, most people don't know this, Exodus 20; 9 tells us that the seventh day is the sabbath and we should not work on that day. The seventh day is Saturday, for Sunday is the first day of the week, we all know that Jesus resurrected on Sunday. Jesus is our ultimate...
  8. Beth220

    The 10 Commandments

    Does anyone believe we can and must keep the 10 Commandments?
  9. Beth220

    The mark of the beast

    Does anyone know what the real mark of the beast is?
  10. Beth220


    Hi Isny, it is a blessing being here, thank you for the warm welcome, may our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ draw us closer to Him more and more each day...God bless you...
  11. Beth220


    Hi Joy, yes, life can be challenging at times, but praise God we serve an awesome amazing God that cares for His children and loves us with eternal agape love....God bless you...
  12. Beth220


    Thanks Deade, it's always a blessing to be around believers, may you have a blessed sabbath...
  13. Beth220


    Hello everyone, praying you all have a blessed day, but mostly, that the love of Christ reign in your hearts...
  14. Beth220

    Need some encouragement today

    All things are possible with God! There is power in prayer and He always answers as long as is according to His will. And keeping marriages together and restoring them is His will....everything that is broken will be mended if you stay focused on Him...
  15. Beth220

    Need some encouragement today

    Amen! That has been the best advice he can get. God bless you my brother. May The Lord continue using you for His honor and glory...
  16. Beth220

    Need some encouragement today

    With all your respect, i don't think you are helping the situation, we are supposed to be here to encourage and uplift each other, as well as rebuke in love. This is not how Jesus would handle the situation, I do believe this man needs help and is trying his best and is obviously a new...
  17. Beth220

    Need some encouragement today

    I believe you really love your wife and are sincere of your repentance, and wanting to make things right, but I believe you need to take a li8mote time asking God to guide you on how you should go, you need to give God time to work in her heart and prepare her to accept to talk to you, if you do...
  18. Beth220

    Need some encouragement today

    Hi, I'm a new member too...
  19. Beth220

    New member

    Thanks Deade, it has been a blessing already...🙏
  20. Beth220

    Need some encouragement today

    Amen! One of the best verses I can give you is: “Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and it’s righteousness, and everything else will be added unto thee!”.... Matthew 6:33. Concentrate on your relationship with God and get your life right with God, confessing you’re sins to Him, but mostly...