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  1. TLC209

    Kenneth Copeland says God is the biggest failure??

    I believe they may have been laughing. You mention laughing and it reminds me of the Todd White video where Todd skips a rock on water. He prayed before he skipped the rock and his friends all laughed that he was praying. Seemed like they were mocking. (Todd White is a Kenneth Copeland protege.)
  2. TLC209

    Kenneth Copeland says God is the biggest failure??

    Lucifer fell and became satan.. satan is that serpent. Lucifer before he became known as satan was Gods best angel. He was commander of all the angels. He was His top angel. Thats what I refer to as being His best craftsmanship. This resulted in becoming pride and evil. But its origins were...
  3. TLC209

    Kenneth Copeland says God is the biggest failure??

    Would what be a lie? Im sorry can you clarify the question. Lucifer was His best craftsmanship FYI.
  4. TLC209

    Kenneth Copeland says God is the biggest failure??

    It doesnt answer my question. Look if you design a product and the product comes out defective that is an error or flaw in the manufacturing. So if God created a defective product that would be fine. But He is perfect He doesnt make mistakes. Lucifer was not defective. He is Gods creation. If...
  5. TLC209

    Kenneth Copeland says God is the biggest failure??

    Thank you for your response. I enjoyed it. So let me follow up with you. I posted the thread because this claim Kenneth Copeland made, which is complete blashemy and no man of God can make such claims. So even though by standard and measure I could see why Kenneth made the claim, I proposed to...
  6. TLC209

    Kenneth Copeland says God is the biggest failure??

    If youre not going to add value to the conversation, im not going to be answering your questions for the sake of answering you. What for.
  7. TLC209

    Kenneth Copeland says God is the biggest failure??

    Yes I agree. Thats my whole point. He made them that way. Its all pre-destined. If its not His will or His plan He wouldnt have made Lucifer with pride. He made him so beautiful and better than all the other angels that pride was the result. Pride cannot come from itself. It has to be created...
  8. TLC209

    Kenneth Copeland says God is the biggest failure??

    So He made Adam and Lucifer as failures. God didnt fail.. is that safe to say what you are inferring?
  9. TLC209

    Kenneth Copeland says God is the biggest failure??

    Thanks for being the only person to respond to my post. Everyone else has wandered off the topic. Well the only conclusion to discredit Kenneth Copeland in his satement, saying that He had nothing to do with Adams choice to sin by definition would credit God as a failure. Even by your response...
  10. TLC209

    Kenneth Copeland says God is the biggest failure??

    How can you take that out of context? He explains himself. When you explain your words, you cant be taken out of context. He repeats himself as well. Not sure what more we need to hear to somehow take this out of context?
  11. TLC209

    Kenneth Copeland says God is the biggest failure??

    I watched online how Kenneth Copeland claims God is the biggest failure. He eludes on Adam sinning against Him. Lucifer turning against Him. A third of the angels turning against Him. And so Kenneth Copeland claims God is a failure. The "biggest" failure... Which lead me to question this. God...
  12. TLC209

    Describe OSAS in terms of this passage.....

    J So how do you explain the passage I referenced when Jesus says those who are NOT born of Spirit meaning baptism of the Holy Spirit, will NOT enter the Kingdom of God. Which is to say heaven. To say someone is saved implies they are going to heaven. To say someone is saved means they are in...
  13. TLC209

    Describe OSAS in terms of this passage.....

    Anti-socials have tattoos. But not all who have tattoos are anti-social. In the same way: All who are saved are believers. But not all who believe are saved. [Food for thought]
  14. TLC209

    Describe OSAS in terms of this passage.....

    Excellent post!! Id like to borrow it if I may... The foundation of "gracers" and "saved" doctrine goes as follows: John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Hence Peter said this...
  15. TLC209

    Describe OSAS in terms of this passage.....

    Ive been going back and forth with you for MONTHS. Youre not a Christian. So quit wavering from the question. The answer you were looking for is "charlatan".
  16. TLC209

    Describe OSAS in terms of this passage.....

    I googled it.. guess what. Says they follow the new testament teachings primarily on what Jesus taught. Go figure! Thats what Christians are supposed to do! Follow Christ! Christ is the head of the church. It is because of Christ we are saved! So why would you feel the need to bring that up in...
  17. TLC209

    Describe OSAS in terms of this passage.....

    This right here is the biggest joke of a fraud ive heard on this entire site! Red letter Christian? You mean the Words Jesus Spoke? That the Christian you are referring to? And what does that make the opposite? Answer that question Guojing... what does that make YOU?
  18. TLC209

    Describe OSAS in terms of this passage.....

    Its a public forum. Its not jumping into peoples conversation. You should take your own advice and learn from Hebrews. It tears apart your entire false belief.
  19. TLC209

    Describe OSAS in terms of this passage.....

    Great job Chris!! I applaud you!! You ripped apart their entire doctrine. Tip of the iceburg, theres many more scriptures that shreds that false doctrine to pieces. Anyone with ears to hear should listen! I see a few here who are BLIND! Trying to remain in ignorance, relying in other...
  20. TLC209

    Describe OSAS in terms of this passage.....

    Still quoting Hebrews I see... smh I thought Hebrews was for tribulation only? Youre such a hypocrite. Quit with your fallacies already.