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  1. N

    The will of God

    A acts 13.40.....just as a matter of interest read also psalm of my special. Psalms...we must talk and not get angry...let us discuss
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    The will of God

    I did not say anything about myself...anyway it is good to discuss matters..we learn what is in the heart....
  3. N

    The will of God

    what did God say to Ezekiel .....give them my message whether they listen or fail to listen for they are a rebellious house....Paul said we must heed the words of the Prophets....and listen carefully....we don’t argue. .....Jesus said he was hated..he was hated from the beginning...why...because...
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    The will of God

    Jesus reveals the Father to those that love him and obey him...God is revealed in the great light... now you will know
  5. N

    The will of God

    Mark 8.35
  6. N

    The will of God

    Those are the mysteries of God....and the spiritual meanings are concealed....this is why Jesus said..give not your gift to the dogs...for they will devour Also why Jesus said said to his disciples...unto you is given to know the kingdom of God..but unto others I speak in parables that they may...
  7. N

    The will of God

    The cross is ever before us and in Paul said..I carry the crucified Christ in me
  8. N

    The will of God

    Yes and a disciple is one who follows in the masters footsteps......and if they do not follow and desert their master to avoid the suffering.....then what are they now called...
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    The will of God

    most certainly...we must walk as Jesus did....unto death like I said not all can the masses said...this is very hard teaching who can accept it..
  10. N

    The will of God

    If you look at humanity as a whole..regardless of religious will see they all follow the same path....but worship in various ways...people marry..have children and so the cycle continues.... remember Jesus said...where the blind lead the blind both fall in the pit....and he...
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    The will of God

    It is the name that the masses gave to the followers of Jesus....
  12. N

    Woman can't teach in the congregation

    Jesus said whosoever beli
  13. N

    The will of God

    Jesus showed us that the true Jew is one who does the will of God....we are commanded to walk as Jesus did....and that is alone....from Him do we learn and follow all instruction....unto death
  14. N

    The will of God

    There Is no such name as Christian....there are just the children of God and the children of Jesus said by their fruits ye shall Know Them....most certainly true
  15. N

    The will of God

    Jesus said not all who say lord lord will enter the kingdom...only those who do the will of God remember...when Jesus said unless you eat of my flesh and drink my blood you shall have no life in you....this was when many turned away from Jesus....spiritually God is referring to the very long...
  16. N

    The wilderness

    A poem on the wilderness
  17. N

    The will of God

    But there is no need to discern the will of God...Jesus is telling us plainly remember Jesus my words offend you....John 6.61 what God requires us to do is not acceptable to all...remember the people rose up against Moses..they killed the prophets and refused to hear...they mocked...
  18. N

    The will of God the greater picture of the truth of our the prophets say...we are like the dewdrop that vanishes...we are here for a while then we are the true believer knows that the most important thing in this life is to find God...nothing else...
  19. N

    The will of God

    Hi Deut....thanks for the verses we must take only what is necessary for the journey....we are required to live a life of simplicity...not greed and abundance of scripture says...walk as Jesus did...just Phillip said...Lord show us the Father....and...