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    Attraction towards a certain race (sin ? )

    Is being attracted towards a certain race or a certain race/s a crime or considered a sin (ie. being judgemental ? )
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    Is changing Appearance a Sin ?

    Would changing my appearance to look neater ie. Clean shaven etc considered sinful as I'm not sure if I'm to accept myself as fearfully and wonderfully made ?
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    Severe Loneliness

    I just wanted to write down my thoughts even tho it might not be the best place to do so . I just feel really alone and just crushed on every side i'm not sure what to do .
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    Spiritually Tired

    I've just run into a brick wall trying and trying to make a relationship happen and even when you have the right intentions i'm not sure if i'm even placed at the right place (church wise ) and well i tried online dating before and it didn't work out well either .
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    Boundaries Question

    Hi Forum, I was wondering if it would be ok to turn down a person if you already know that the feelings are not mutual and you feel attracted to the person ? and your love language is quality time spent . Thanks !
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    Right or Wrong : Telling someone that you don't just want to be friends ?

    Hello forum, Just wondering if it is good to be clear on intent even when there is a "friendship" phase rather than getting stuck in that dreaded friend zone and also to steer clear of girls who just want to play that friendship see saw game ?
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    Depression and suicide

    Will a christian enter hell if he/she commits suicide when the person was under severe stress and pain from people around him/her .
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    Hoping to find friends who have been through parental abuse

    I was wondering if there are any family abuse survivors here who i'm able to talk to and also seek counsel from .
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    Body Issues

    Hi Forum, I was just wondering if i'm allowed to ask health and body related issues on here .
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    Internet Dating - lack of trust or encouraged

    Hi Forum, I was just wondering if internet dating is encouraged or a sign of desperation
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    Overcoming loneliness and resentment

    Hi forum, Are there ways to overcome loneliness and social anxiety with people and our expectations of them .
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    Passion - How to find it

    Hi Forum, I was just wondering if its better to follow you passion as a career vs to find a job that pays the bills . I'm also confused as I multiple things which i love to do . any thoughts and comments would be much appreciated .
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    How to overcome the fear of rejection , and also how to deal with constant rej

    Hi Forum, Its with much exhaustion that i write this ; I was just wondering if there was any biblical way to handle rejection from the opposite sex which is merely based on factors like race , age , culture etc or just encountering people who are already attached . I've been...
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    Are there any medication available for depression or anything practical that you can do to overcome severe sadness .
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    Purity's importance

    Hi , I was wondering if its important as a single person to be in purity and also if there are any benefits to that ?
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    Absence of God's Love (Explained)

    Hi Forum, I was just wondering if it was normal to feel distant from God's love from the insuffiency when our human needs and desires are not met. How than can we as God's children surrender our lives to him and be led by him and find true satisfaction and fufillment in Jesus alone...
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    Should race be a hinderance towards Godly friendships

    Hi Forum, I was just wondering if race is a hinderance towards Godly friendships or even in communicating more with people on a deeper than superficial level .
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    The chosen one

    I was told by a leader that I don't really need to do anything in terms of pursuing a relationship as everyone is given a mate just like how adam met eve .. i'm not so sure on that tho .
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    Coping with Loneliness

    Hi Forum, I was wondering if there are any ways to cope with loneliness or even any Biblical examples of how people of God coped with loneliness and How can we find true satisfaction in God when we do have our fleshly desires and thereof . Thank you for your replies .
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    How to Guard your Heart & allowing vulnerability into Friendships

    Hi Forum, I'm kinda struggling with the term guarding of heart mentioned in Proverbs 4:23 and also finding the balance in allowing vulnerability into Friendships does anyone enlighten me on how this can be done .