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  1. AustinT


    Haven't been on for while How's everyone been?
  2. AustinT


    Hey im looking for new christian friends so if you would like, add me!
  3. AustinT

    Youtube channel

    hey everyone I do have a youtube channel for gaming. Im not trying to advertise just saying if your interested in gaming. then subscribe if you like. I do cuss time from time, sorry its a bad habit lol
  4. AustinT

    360 and PS3

    If you want to add me my gamertag is AustinT54 and PSN is Austint1715
  5. AustinT

    Not new

    Not new but wanted to see how everyone is doing? Also if anyone want you can add me on Xbox live or PSN. Just trying to make new friends!
  6. AustinT

    Xbox Live or PSN?

    Hey everyone, just wanted to let people know you can add me on either platform! Austint1715 for psn AustinT54 for live
  7. AustinT

    Favorite music artist?

    Mine has to be for Christian is Lacrae or Trip Lee, yours?
  8. AustinT


    What do people think about all of it?
  9. AustinT


    Hello everyone. I have a fiance and gonna get married in a year or so but I don't really have a lot of friends. So please feel free to add me! Just wanting new Christian friends to talk to!
  10. AustinT


    Is anyone taking a trip to another state soon? Also what's your favorite vacation you have been on?
  11. AustinT

    Is homosexuality wrong?

    Hey I created a youtube video about this issue and how I feel about it. Subscribe if you like but wanted to just say my opinion.
  12. AustinT


    Hey all, I have a computer tech and in college for software programming and web design. As I love this site, I will answer questions for anyone who needs help. I would never claim to know everything but with my credentials, I do know quite a bit. So please ask if you need any help!
  13. AustinT

    The end?

    I have heard people say they think the end is near. but I really dont, no one will know the time it will happen. but the false prophet who will come and actually do things that will convince that its Jesus has not came yet. I do think it could happen in the next 100 years because things have...
  14. AustinT

    Hello Everyone

    I create youtube videos and trying to develop software, im in college for web design and software programming. Im trying to make new christian friends, so feel free to add me!
  15. AustinT


    Hello my Grandpa is the best Christian man I know he is a great guy but has been battling cancer. I just was hoping for people to say a prayer that he overcomes it and gets a full recovery. Thank you
  16. AustinT

    Prayer request

    Ive been fighting depression for a year now and just wanted prayers for helping to get over it, thank you
  17. AustinT

    New friends?

    Looking for new Christian friends to talk to. Add me if you want!
  18. AustinT

    Why God allows bad things to happen?

    I created a video on this topic, I just like talking about different topics so please tell me what you think?
  19. AustinT

    Why God allows bad things to happen?

    I created a video on this topic, I just like talking about different topics so please tell me what you think?
  20. AustinT


    I don't understand why do they need donations to reach 500 dollars? I mean it's not because of the paying for the site. So why so much? I am in no way trying to insult anyone but just didn't understand