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  1. konroh

    Christian forums and chat

    This might not be the right place for this but I was wondering what others have experienced on different Christian forums. I know there's christianforum (seems almost too big but I'm amazed at how ecumenical it is, more like christendomforum) and pre-trib forums as well as numerous others I'm...
  2. konroh

    Theology from a church history perspective

    What are the essentials? What are the non-essentials? What's interesting if you study church history is that certain doctrines were pounded out long ago, while others are still up for some debate. It can be very interesting to see just what has been done. Here's how I see it. What was first...
  3. konroh

    Shipwrecked in their faith

    1 Tim 1:18This command I entrust to you, Timothy, my son, in accordance with the prophecies previously made concerning you, that by them you fight the good fight, 19keeping faith and a good conscience, which some have rejected and suffered shipwreck in regard to their faith. 20Among these are...
  4. konroh

    What does it mean to enter the kingdom of heaven?

    I've been studying the sermon on the mount and reading Joseph Dillow's book Final Destiny. He has an interesting proposal that entering the kingdom of heaven means to enter into heavenly kingdom blessing now, to live to be great in the kingdom. There are many aspects to the kingdom, as Dillow...