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  1. AlaynaJ

    Prayer for my father who was recently diagnosed with Cancer

    My father got his pathology report back on his lesion thingie on his lip. It is malignant and they diagnosed it as Squamous Cell Carcinoma. It is a type of skin cancer that usually effects the lips or mouth area. The doctor was fairly certain they removed it all, but Dad has a follow up...
  2. AlaynaJ

    Broken Wrist

    I broke my wrist today at work when I fell after my recently sprained ankle gave out from under me. I go to a specialist tomorrow morning to have it double checked and casted. Pray for quick healing on both my ankle and wrist. typing is difficult at the moment so it will be hard for me to chat...
  3. AlaynaJ

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY ASTRID! (wwjd_kilden)

    Happy Birthday to our absolute favorite sword wielding, snow loving, forum posting amazing Norwegian Astrid!!! I hope that your birthday is absolutely amazing because you are and you deserve the most awesome birthday ever!
  4. AlaynaJ

    My Grandfather is missing

    Prayer warriors, I need your help... I was just told that my 88 year old grandfather has been missing since about 8pm last night when he didn't return home after a picnic he was supposed to have gone to. Since last night was so pitch black, the police department informed us that they couldn't...
  5. AlaynaJ

    Prayer for my foot

    This evening I pushed myself a little too hard and kept walking when my foot started to hurt, and ended up harming myself even further. Now, my left foot on the outside edge hurts so much I can barely walk at all, and it sends shooting stabbing pains up my leg when I step down on it. I am not...
  6. AlaynaJ

    Prayer for young new mother

    A 20 year old girl in my town who was pregnant with twins, a boy and a girl went in for her check-up today and it was discovered that the girl is dead. She is about 8 1/2 months along as far as I know. They will be doing a C-section early in the morning to remove the dead fetus and deliver the...
  7. AlaynaJ

    Urgent prayer for Musiclover123 and family

    Asking for prayer from all of my friends for the people in MO tonight, as a gigantic tornado ripped through the heart of it, and in the town where my little 'sister' Melissa aka MusicLover123 lives. No word from her yet, keeping fingers crossed and prayers on the lips for her and her family, and...
  8. AlaynaJ

    Happy Birthday, ESTRELLA!

    Happy Birthday, to my best friend!!!!! Hope that today has been amazing for you, and I can't wait to see you in 5 days!!!!! *Squees*
  9. AlaynaJ

    The Alayna and Estrella's adventure thread

    Okay, so in this thread, you guys all have to come up with ides of adventures that Trelly and I can go on while she is here in Colorado with me. Of cuorse, most of them probably won't REALLY happen, but it would be quite amusing to see the ideas you guys can come up with. From today, we have...
  10. AlaynaJ

    Grandmother passed away

    My paternal grandmother, the one who had lymphoma passed away this evening of natural causes. Please keep the whole family in Prayer. Thanks.
  11. AlaynaJ

    Prayer for best friend

    My best friend, Rylie asked if I would put in this request for her. She is 24, and she has 3 daughters who are 4, 2 and 8 months. She has been suffering from severe depression for many years, and was recently diagnosed with borderling personality disorder as well. She is currently taking...
  12. AlaynaJ

    Prayer for Grandmother with lyphoma

    My grandmother on my fathers side has a fast-growing lympoma on her neck that has just appeared in the past month. There is a huge amount of things that we have to get done as son as possible to attack it quickly. She will need about 5 different things done all hopefully by the 28th so that...
  13. AlaynaJ

    Update on Grandfather and other prayer requests

    My grandfather, who has been battleling with MRSA and double pnuemonia as well as a unrinary tract infection has been in the hospital again for about 2 weeks now. We originally thought we were going to lose him that day, but the doctors stablized him. Unfortunately, since then, he has lost...
  14. AlaynaJ

    More prayer for grandpa

    All of my old thread was lost due to the meltdown, but any of you who had been following it know the gist. He has been sick since Christmas eve, and has been shuttled back and forth between the hospital and the nursing home 4 times now. Grandpa is now back in the hosptial and he has...
  15. AlaynaJ

    Yet another prayer request for my teeth...

    Yeah. I know. It seems to be that most of my prayer requests are centered around my troublesome mouth. I am starting to have more pain again on the bottom left in the back. I have a feeling it's another abcess starting to form. It's not to the point that the pain is unbearable yet, but it's...
  16. AlaynaJ

    Oral Surgury

    I have a dentist appt at 10am on Monday for a tooth extraction. It is #2, right next to where my wisdom teeth would be (If I had any) They will have to use a IV anestetic to knock me out for it and take the tooth out in pieces because it is broken in several spots. Please pray for no...
  17. AlaynaJ

    Yet another toothache

    I went to the dentist on Tuesday morning to have some fillings done, but when he drilled, I think he hit a nerve on one of the teeth. When the novocaine wore off I was in terrible pain. I took some extrea strength Tylenol and tried to sleep, but kept waking up when pangs of pain would shoot...
  18. AlaynaJ

    The Official Un-tag game!

    Okay. Astrid and I just came up with this... The WHOLE world has been tagged as in "You're It!!!"... Now, we must go through and untag the world one thing at a time!!! I'll go first. I un-tag the hotel I'm in.
  19. AlaynaJ

    Pray for safe travels (again, lol)

    Just wanted to give you guys a heads up/FYI and ask for you to pray for safe travels for me... There is a storm system moving in through Utah, and i just looked at the road conditions. It's going to be wet and possible slushy/icy in spots. I just hope there are no delays and I get there safely...
  20. AlaynaJ

    Help remove the man respnsible for the Big Gulch Mine disaster in West Virgina

    This petition is meant to help bring the man to justice that is responsible for the deaths of the men in the Big Gulch mine in VW... Please, sign it if you think this man should be prosecuted. Remove a Murderer from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce: Justice for the Upper Big Branch Miners Petition