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  1. Galatians2-20

    Christ Our Salvation & Sancitification

    Because a man can do nothing to save himself through self effort, both justification and sanctification rest firmly on one's position in Christ (Union With Christ): "But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption.." ~...
  2. Galatians2-20

    Is the Holy Spirit Too Weird for American Christianity?

    Is the Holy Spirit Too Weird for American Christianity? written by Jeff Kennedy If you’re a Christian and you have a pulse, then you’ve heard about the latest dustup between conservative Christianity and the modern charismatic movement. In his most recent book, Strange Fire, noted cessationist...
  3. Galatians2-20

    Why do some denominations like to point the finger of accusation at others?

    Many Christian denominations love to point fingers at others in an attempt to avoid self reflection which exposes their own sinful state.
  4. Galatians2-20

    Spiritual Dynamics 101: Christ, Our Life

    Spiritual Dynamics 101: Christ, Our Life "But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God—and righteousness and sanctification and redemption.." ~ 1st Corinthians 1:30 While progressive, sanctification is not a process. Neither is it the means in which God makes your...
  5. Galatians2-20

    Unconditional Eternal Security?

    Many in the church assume that grace precedes faith seeing as faith, like grace, is a gift from God thus they argue that faith is a gift of grace. While that might be true on God's side of things seeing as He's the giver of all good gifts, mankind - being the recipient of those good things...
  6. Galatians2-20

    Authentic Grace

    Scripture teaches that it is only through abiding / walking in the Spirit that we can overcome come sin and self in this life making God's grace is His divine invitation to come abide in Him. Grace is vehicle which leads us into God's presence and only through partaking in Him can we live a...
  7. Galatians2-20


    The American government must not force anyone to accept gay marriages because in doing so they would violate the constitutional rights of many Americans to freedom of religion. However, we live in a nation where "all men (and women) are created equal" thus homosexual partners must be granted...