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  1. Ebeth33

    The Holy Spirit helps us in keeping the commandments

    Wow, that's eye opening. My problem is not that they are acting like babes in Christ who are on fire for God, they are acting like people who are not spirit filled. At first my intention was to make sure the brethren were ready to be caught up, which I believe is so soon. To be watching...
  2. Ebeth33

    The Holy Spirit helps us in keeping the commandments

    See my Original post this whole thread is about how the Holy Spirit helps us to keep the 10 commandments and do the will of God I am in agreement
  3. Ebeth33

    The Holy Spirit helps us in keeping the commandments

    Hebrews 10:26 For if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, Galatians 5:19 Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, 1 Corinthians 6:11 And such were some of you. But you...
  4. Ebeth33

    The Holy Spirit helps us in keeping the commandments

    “Against such things there is no law.” In other words, “When a Christian walks by the Spirit and manifests His fruit, he or she needs no external law to produce the attitudes and behavior that please God.”
  5. Ebeth33

    The Holy Spirit helps us in keeping the commandments

    There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ, but that doesn't mean that we aren't supposed to try and if we stumble repent and take up your cross and start over every day. we walk in the spirit which is full of grace but that grace does not give us a liscense to sin, since nobody could...
  6. Ebeth33

    The Holy Spirit helps us in keeping the commandments

    Yes, if God doesn't give me patience to continue being baraged by everybody concerning my walk, I'll take it as a sign that He never sent me here to witness in the first place. If you are not well received in that house or city, shake the dust off your feet as a testimony against them. You all...
  7. Ebeth33

    The Holy Spirit helps us in keeping the commandments

    it is not a sin not to pray for your enemies, or love them, it is not breaking the ten commandments.
  8. Ebeth33

    The Holy Spirit helps us in keeping the commandments

    I find more sincere believers in the live chats when I watch my preachers and churches on YouTube there are always some anti-rapture people but I never in my 15 years saved have I found anti-10 commandments, that's the first thing the Holy Spirit does is convict you of sin in your life and...
  9. Ebeth33

    The Holy Spirit helps us in keeping the commandments

    The Fruit of the Spirit: Galatians 5:22-26 Paul’s point in these verses is to emphasize the attributes that should be evident in a Christian if the Holy Spirit dwells within someone’s heart, as opposed to those attributes that are evident in an person who is not born from above. Fruit is...
  10. Ebeth33

    The Holy Spirit helps us in keeping the commandments

    Thank you! I needed that. I am in wonder at how difficult of a time I'm having, I'm just tring to say that The Holy Spirit helps us to keep the law, and be an example that it IS possible with God. I don't know how long I will try to reach the (brethren or lost?) as I find my Joy being stolen...
  11. Ebeth33

    The Holy Spirit helps us in keeping the commandments

    I certainly did NOT tell people they keep the law as a requirement for salvation, but the presence of the Holy spirit in you produces good works. Read the whole thread along with the original post.
  12. Ebeth33

    The Holy Spirit helps us in keeping the commandments

    I preach key word LATELY I do live and care for my 91 year old mother and through many conversations I'm happy to report she is now Born again. but also through the internet, on various platforms, all I can do is drop seeds the Holy Sprit will do the rest. It is the 10 commandments I follow...
  13. Ebeth33

    The Holy Spirit helps us in keeping the commandments

    I never said I was justified through obeying the law, I abide in Christ, live by faith and am the righteousness of God through Christ who lives His life in me. And yes I don't have to sell anything to follow Him as money is not my God. I do not love money or the world as I am not of this world.
  14. Ebeth33

    Freemasons Fauci is one so was Hitler

    but it came up on my notifications, no worries
  15. Ebeth33

    The Holy Spirit helps us in keeping the commandments

    no, I haven't even interacted with anyone, just spending time with God, keeping everyday Holy and following His command to make desiples of all nations, I've kept the Sabbath and kept God first and posted and prayed pertaining to my neighbors as I love them and don't want to see them be deceived.
  16. Ebeth33

    Freemasons Fauci is one so was Hitler

    Not at all, but whatever you want to call him, THE LAWLESS ONE I quoted scripture in describing, will not only deny the father and the son but will rule the world and make everyone take his mark or be beheaded, he will confirm a covenant with the many and Israel for 7 years, he will beak that...
  17. Ebeth33

    Freemasons Fauci is one so was Hitler

    the antichrist is a spirit and there will be a man who personifies this spirit. If you had read my post you would have seen I said The antichrist is both a a multitude and a man.
  18. Ebeth33

    The Holy Spirit helps us in keeping the commandments

    do not believe that we are utterly unable to keep the 10 commandments The Apostle Jude was inspired to warn us of this very deception. "Beloved, while I was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation, I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly for...
  19. Ebeth33

    Freemasons Fauci is one so was Hitler

    There will be a central figure who will rule the world and Satan will enter in him after he gives him his power and authority and throne and Satan himself will enter into him. The antichrist is both a a multitude and a man. “He will be empowered by the dragon, Satan. And there will be one...
  20. Ebeth33

    Freemasons Fauci is one so was Hitler

    wanted to share this creepy video... Fauci seems to be a Freemason with his hidden hand gesture and they are NO GOOD! The other is this long haired guy lurking behind a doorway, peeking as they go through, I know he's not the antichrist, but who is this sneaky figure who hides in the shadows? Is...