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  1. P

    "The rich man And Lazarus..."

    Inheritance of the Promised land: Psalm 2:6-9 LXX 6 But I have been made King by Him, on Sion His holy mountain, 7 declaring the ordinance of the Lord. The Lord said to Me: “You are My Son, today I have begotten You. 8 Ask of me, and I will give You the nations for Your inheritance, and the...
  2. P

    "The rich man And Lazarus..."

    Sorry if this is a long post, but hopefully it will settle the dispute once and for all. First is foundational knowledge then quotes from ECF/reformers, followed by the Rich man and Lazarus Parable; one builds on top of the other. Talking about the Rich man parable without foundational knowledge...
  3. P

    Why can’t i speak in tongues as a Christian

    Supernatural gifts such as speaking in tongues were for a specific people group during a specific time and for a specific purpose. The question becomes, does it apply today or not. Specially addressing the gift of tongues, it was specifically for unbelieving Jews. 1 Corth 14:20-22 20...