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  1. eugenius

    Eating when stressed. How to stop?

    My life is one giant ball of stress stress stress. I barely have any fun or positive emotions most of the time. I have been trying to lose weight for a while now. Somehow I got from 250lbs to 215lbs in the past 6 months. It was more diet than physical exercise, but I tried working out as much...
  2. eugenius

    Apologetics, who is a fan?

    Who around here likes apologetics? I am a major fan, and have been listening to people like Ravi Zacharias, JP Moreland, Phil Fernandez, John Lennox, Alister McGrath, William Lane Craig, and others for a few years. These folks constantly debate atheists like Richard Dawkins and the late...
  3. eugenius

    A burden that men have

    While I agree that women have many burdens in life, there is a burden which only men have that I have been finding it hard to deal with lately. That is the fact that men are assumed by society to keep their emotions bottled up inside. We are supposed to take any kind of insult, any kind of...
  4. eugenius

    Need help, please I'm so tired of this

    I'm sorry, I just need to say this. I just feel so much pain every day. I can't take it anymore. I'm tired of crying. I'm tired of hitting my head against the wall. I'm tired of the hatred, the indifference. Why can't people just love me like Jesus said. Why do people have to be so mean? I'm so...
  5. eugenius

    I can't take it anymore, I need help

    I have so many things going on that I just can't handle, and there is nobody to talk to. I looked up Christian counselors in my area and its 40 dollars for 50 minutes which makes me feel (rightly or wrongly) that they dont actually care about me but my money. Maybe I can't spend that much. Maybe...
  6. eugenius

    does spring affect your desire for a mate? (silly yet true)

    I know its a common saying "spring, love is in the air" and all that. Animals mate in the spring, etc... For some reason I have always noticed that my desire for someone of the opposite sex increases in spring. Is this true for the rest of you? As a christian and someone who believes that...
  7. eugenius

    Had an epiphany, for all you lonely people

    I finally realized something. Why I am alone. I have no father, almost no friends, nobody cares about me. My mom and grandmother don't share my faith and don't understand me sometimes. The world proudly displays its middle finger to my face daily. I spend half my time talking to the walls in my...
  8. eugenius

    Using the lord's name in vain is becoming out of control in this society

    Everywhere you go, EVERYONE says, "like oh my god!!!111" And other similar phrases. Personally every time I hear it, I shudder. I sometimes do it, but I force myself not to, and so do it only on very rare occasions when something bad has happened and I can't control myself. But people in...
  9. eugenius

    Is it possible to have cyrillic support in the chatroom?

    Hi, there are many Russian speaking people on this forum. Can we have Cyrillic support for the Practice English room? If its not too hard, and/or possible. Thank you
  10. eugenius


    Hello I am an eccentric intellectual from Ukraine. I live in America. My English name is Eugene. I am 23. A future electrical engineer. A lover of literature and science.