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  1. T

    Prayer for healing

    If you can, please pray for me. I severely hurt my back. I can only stand for a minute or two before I have to lay down.
  2. T

    Prayer for brother

    If you can, keep my brother Jason in your prayers. He's been having these episodes of having visual problems and getting sick. They've been running tests on him and nothing is certain yet. They're suppose to be doing an MRI on him soon (think tomorrow).
  3. T

    Prayer for healthcare situation and financial situation

    If you can, please say a prayer for me and my family in regards to our health care situation. We keep having to fight the different health care agencies and other agencies every month. Please pray that they can get it all straightened out.
  4. T

    Prayer for my Dad

    If you can, please pray for my Dad. He's not feeling too well.
  5. T


    If you can, say a prayer for me. Having a rough night.
  6. T

    Please pray for my family and me

    There's a lot of arguing and fighting going on.
  7. T

    Please pray for me

    It feels like I have so many things going wrong in my life right now. It's hard to even know what to specifically ask for, it's just many different things.
  8. T

    Please keep my family in your prayers

    We just recently lost my Grandpa on my Dad's side of the family and there's some things going on that's causing stress.
  9. T

    Please keep my family and me in your prayers

    If you can, please keep my family and me in your prayers. Today has just been a bad day.
  10. T

    Prayer for job interview

    I go in for a job interview. Would you please kindly keep me in prayer?
  11. T

    Please pray for me. Going through something fiery.

    Please please pray for me. I need a lot. I'm going through a fiery trial (I hope it's just a trial and not something more serious).
  12. T

    Please pray for my nephew

    Please keep my nephew, Micah, in your prayers. He's really sick.
  13. T

    Prayer for Neighbors and their family

    Please keep my neighbors and their family in your prayers.
  14. T

    Need Prayers

    I don't even know where to start. The past few weeks have been hard. I'm struggling with some things. Things are messing up left and right and on top all of this, I have a personal struggle that I don't know how to get a hold of.
  15. T

    Prayer Request

    Hi, I'm asking for brothers and sisters in Christ to please pray for me. I'm dealing with something hard. It's kind of an unspoken request. God knows what I'm dealing with.
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    Hi, I'm new here. Just thought I'd say hello. :)