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  1. breno785au

    Dark mode

    Still waiting for dark mode.. It can't be that hard really, most if not all forum software have themeing abilities ;)
  2. breno785au

    Ignored members

    I've just realised all who are on my ignore list have been banned. I don't even remember why they were on there to begin with?
  3. breno785au

    "This is extremely dangerous to our Democracy".......You'd better believe it is!

    To these people, It's all conspiracy until it hits them personally or someone they love, which w is what we are trying to AVOID. My brother in law in KENYA had covid, ended up in hospital on a ventilator. A colleague of mine in the US, ended up in a coma for two weeks and now requires surgery on...
  4. breno785au

    Who will Win

    In the multiple news reports I've read there was violent assaults from both parties. Of course the Trump rallies were to defend themselves but there was also more than that happening. Even read anti Trump protesters helping injured Trump protesters. Yes, anti Trump protesters incited the...
  5. breno785au

    Who will Win

    Your reporting of the news is just as biased as the leftest media. Half truth reported here.
  6. breno785au

    Organ donation

    That's both heartbreaking and lovely at the same time. Can't begin to imagine what you've gone through.
  7. breno785au

    Jesus, the cause of division.

    There's not much to interpret, at least for me, as it happened to me exactly how Jesus said it would. My father was totally against me coming to Jesus, which at first threw me off guard as he and the rest of my family consider themselves catholic. Even years later he told me he would never come...
  8. breno785au

    Is Biden actually the President Elect?

    Exactly, it's an absolute disgrace. I was thinking this morning if some of this stuff is how some of the elect will be deceived.
  9. breno785au

    Congratulation to President elect Joe Biden

    And voting for one particular political party is going to stop this grand plan from the higher ups?
  10. breno785au

    A Divided Church?

    I believe there is one church. Both invisible and visible. They are the people of God.
  11. breno785au

    A Divided Church?

    You are correct.
  12. breno785au

    A Divided Church?

    It may be difficult to find. To experience that, you have to start being the church, rather than going to church.
  13. breno785au

    Why do we get sick? Coronavirus?

    I think Jesus already dealt with this one... And as Jesus passed by, he saw a man which was blind from his birth. And his disciples asked him, saying, Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind? Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but...
  14. breno785au

    Does God care about who wins the US election?

    Will the Trump administration present evidence of this to the courts?
  15. breno785au

    Is Biden actually the President Elect?

    Yeah, you're actually right. There was no need to post that. Not everything I find mildly humourous yet disgracefully absurd needs to be shared. Sorry for offending you or anyone. It would be better if mods removed for the sake of the integrity of the thread.
  16. breno785au

    Congratulation to President elect Joe Biden

    Makes me wonder, if Trump hadn't said anything about fraud and stealing etc. Would the general public be talking about it? Looking forward to the evidence being brought forward to the courts.
  17. breno785au

    Who will Win

    I heard about that... In the main stream media.
  18. breno785au

    Is Biden actually the President Elect?

    What am I being accused of? You should be able to answer that question yourself I'd say!
  19. breno785au

    Is Biden actually the President Elect?

    Kenneth Copeland doesn't seem to agree :ROFL:
  20. breno785au

    Congratulation to President elect Joe Biden

    Calling them from too far away. Should've called Russian angels