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  1. BeeBlessed

    New here

    Hi @Davidms … so glad you’ve joined us! :) I’m praying right now in the name of Jesus that this community of believers will be a blessing and encouragement to you.
  2. BeeBlessed


    Welcome, @EternallyRescued ! Happy to meet you here in this neighborhood of Christians. :) I know how hard it is to get used to a new setting these days; people can be so wary of one another. But just be your eternally-rescued self, and your neighbors will soon be drawn to your kindness...
  3. BeeBlessed

    God’s Will

    I apologize for the initial setting of this video, which I know may be offensive to some; however, paired with the following scriptures, the lessons it teaches are valuable: Matthew 18:1-5 (NKJV): At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, “Who then is greatest in the kingdom of...
  4. BeeBlessed

    God’s Will

    Have you been reading Proverbs, :geek: munching on some spiritual food? “Do not love sleep or you will grow poor; stay awake and you will have food to spare.” (Pr. 20:13):love:
  5. BeeBlessed

    God’s Will

    We all meet God’s “Will” every day…. Will we pay attention to the calling and demonstrate His love?
  6. BeeBlessed

    New here

    Welcome to CC, @rnthorpe ! :) You’ve come to the right place to chat, for sure! Is the Word of God a fairy tale? Definitely not. Too many things were written about in prophetic scripture way before they actually came to pass to be coincidence. Is this world worth anything anymore? Yes. To...
  7. BeeBlessed

    Just getting started

    Hi, @Paulwalking , and welcome to CC! :) I know you‘ll find plenty of encouragement here and enjoy some great fellowship. Romans 15:13 (NKJV) 13 Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
  8. BeeBlessed

    Collin - 28 m GA

    Hi, @collin75 , and welcome to CC. We’re happy to have you here! :) You’ve chosen a wonderful and much-needed profession/mission; so many people are silently hurting and need not just a good listener, but also a wise counselor whose wisdom comes from the Word. May God bless you with the...
  9. BeeBlessed

    I'm new here. A bit about me!

    Welcome, @Ytreneo ! I’m glad you’ve decided to join this great fellowship of believers, and I can already tell you’ll be a blessing. Lifelong faith is probably the best testimony one can ever share.
  10. BeeBlessed

    Random game.

    liberty 2 Corinthians 3:17 (NKJV) Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
  11. BeeBlessed

    New as well

    Hi @Renee7778 , and welcome! I used to be 60… awhile back.;) It was a good year, as I recall, and I hope yours will be, too. It’s great to be a watcher in eager anticipation for things to be set right, for we surely do have even more troublesome times ahead. We can already see signs of...
  12. BeeBlessed

    really new here

    Hi, @HoneyBee , and welcome! I feel practically related to you already since my name is Bee. :) I’m really glad you’re open to learning about Jesus. Believe me, He’s the best, closest Friend you can ever possibly have. I’ve been a Christian since I was 12 years old, and now I’m older than...
  13. BeeBlessed

    New here

    Welcome, @PurpleTXmom ! So glad you’ve joined us, and I love the eager anticipation in the tone of your intro! The Bible is definitely the most exciting, inspiring, revealing, loving, and hopeful book on the planet, and I’m sure you’ll read it many times in many versions before you’re done...
  14. BeeBlessed

    Hello Neighbor!

    Absolutely not—not condoning homosexuality, and anyone knowing me well enough to ask for a ride would already know that. Also, I don’t believe it’s possible to contract AIDS by breathing the same air with someone who has it.
  15. BeeBlessed

    News Alert!

    Thanks, @Lafftur , and may God bless your cheerful heart! :love:
  16. BeeBlessed

    My road lead to Christ.

    Welcome, @marcel ! So glad that when you read the Bible for fun, the ancient words hit their mark—YOU! I wonder who made you want to read it…. (Not really; I know Who). :) We’re happy you’re here to grow along with us.
  17. BeeBlessed

    Hi BELOVED I’m Rachael, 23yrs. And a nursing student. It’s so Nice 👍 to meet everyone here I greet you”ll. 🤗 As we continue to learn God’s word🥰

    Hi @Rachaelrichie , and welcome! We’re so glad you’re making time for some good Christian fellowship in what must be a busy schedule. May you be blessed in your studies as you also grow in Christ. :)
  18. BeeBlessed

    Hello all

    Welcome, @Ritchie ! So glad you’ve joined us! :)
  19. BeeBlessed


    Hi, @JayjayNY777 , and welcome to the fellowship of Christians here. i know you will be blessed with encouragement! 😊