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  1. ChristCenteredGirl

    A Letter To My Younger, Easily Offended Self

    Dear Younger Self, You're beating yourself up again for blowing up in front of your family members. You just finished screaming at your brother for his insensitive remarks on how poorly you do things, even though you've sincerely put in effort to do better. But no matter how hard you tried, it...
  2. ChristCenteredGirl

    A Letter To My Younger, Easily Offended Self

    Dear Younger Self, You're beating yourself up again for blowing up in front of your family members. You just finished screaming at your brother for his insensitive remarks on how poorly you do things, even though you've sincerely put in effort to do better. But no matter how hard you tried, it...
  3. ChristCenteredGirl

    Unspoken Prayer

    Please pray. God knows my needs....thanks everyone.
  4. ChristCenteredGirl

    Abiding in Jesus

    John 15:1-5, "I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinedresser. 2 Every branch in me that does not bear fruit he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit. 3 Already you are clean because of the word that I have spoken to you. 4 Abide in me, and...
  5. ChristCenteredGirl

    Solid Biblical Resources For Women

  6. ChristCenteredGirl

    Reading The Bible When You Don't Feel Like It

    I read a quote from a pastor that said, "If you want to grow your trust in God, you need to grow in your knowledge of God." Many of us want to be diligent in our walk with the Lord, yet most of us don't put forth the effort to sit still and soak in God's Word, letting it bask in our minds and...
  7. ChristCenteredGirl

    Reading The Bible When You Don't Feel Like It

    I read a quote from a pastor that said, "If you want to grow your trust in God, you need to grow in your knowledge of God." Many of us want to be diligent in our walk with the Lord, yet most of us don't put forth the effort to sit still and soak in God's Word, letting it bask in our minds and...
  8. ChristCenteredGirl


    I'm late for doing this lol, but I joined here last year and have lately become a little more active in the forums. Anyways, I've been a Christ follower for 4 years. It's been a rocky relationship with God, but He's always been faithful and relentless in His pursuit of me. I hope that He will...
  9. ChristCenteredGirl

    Having A Mary Heart

    I was looking at the life of Mary of Bethany and felt like sharing this here.... Her story is absolutely one of the most beautiful ones in Scriptures. Parts of her story are featured in all four of the gospel accounts: Matthew 26:6-13, Mark 14:1-9, Luke 10:38-40 and John 11:1-12:3. Mary was...
  10. ChristCenteredGirl

    Appreciating How God Made You

    When I was little, my mom would make me sit at the table on evenings and solve math equations out of a workbook. Coming from an Asian background, academics was very important to my mom. She would often get frustrated and yell at me when I failed to do it correctly. I was always bawling my eyes...
  11. ChristCenteredGirl

    Prayers Please

    Hey guys, I have an unspoken prayer request. The Lord knows exactly what it is. Thank you!
  12. ChristCenteredGirl

    Appreciating How God Made You

    When I was little, my mom would make me sit at the table on evenings and solve math equations out of a workbook. Coming from an Asian background, academics was very important to my mom. She would often get frustrated and yell at me when I failed to do it correctly. I was always bawling my eyes...
  13. ChristCenteredGirl


    For some time, I've been asking for prayers of healing for my back and knees after injuring them due to an incident which I blame myself for wholeheartedly because I was being so vain and arrogant by trying to impress people. I wasn't allowed to see a physical therapist because of personal...
  14. ChristCenteredGirl


    I recently started a gratitude journal after being inspired by 1 Thessalonians 5:18, “give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” About a week ago, I was in a rut of whining and complaining to God about how things weren’t going in the direction I thought...
  15. ChristCenteredGirl


    I recently started a gratitude journal after being inspired by 1 Thessalonians 5:18, “give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” About a week ago, I was in a rut of whining and complaining to God about how things weren’t going in the direction I thought...
  16. ChristCenteredGirl

    Prayer Request

    I'm in desperate need for prayers right now. It involves making a decision to go back to school and finding a job.
  17. ChristCenteredGirl


    Please pray for complete healing in my back and knees. Thanks!
  18. ChristCenteredGirl

    You Don't Need Self-Esteem

    Low self-esteem is a thinking disorder in which a person feels incapable, unworthy, incompetent, and unlovable. Many people suffer from this debilitating condition, hence why depression, suicide rates, and self-harm are rampant. While depression has been proven by studies to be a medical...
  19. ChristCenteredGirl

    Stop Comparing Yourself(for girls mainly but guys can read it too)

    “Why is she more blessed than I am?” “How come she has more friends than me?” “Why is she married while I’m still single?” “Why can’t my body look like hers?” These are some of the questions I struggled with in my teens and early twenties. The more I started growing as a young woman, the more I...
  20. ChristCenteredGirl

    Being Positive In The Midst Of Negativity

    There is negativity everywhere. From an angry, rude coworker or boss, unfriendly neighbor, or that obnoxious person at church. It's so easy to dwell on unpleasant situations or unattractive qualities in a person. Thus, it can be quite difficult to have hope and see the best in people and...