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  1. T

    I’ve Committed Copyright Infringement

    I don’t think that’s how it works 😅
  2. T

    Dad and Alcohol, Smoking, and Caffeine.

    Should I ask him how much caffeine and alcohol he consumes and also how much he smokes? If anything I think it’s case where he’s doing the smoking too much maybe, and when it comes to caffeine, alcohol, and smoking, I think his urinologist wants him to stop (or something like that) with the...
  3. T

    Twistii’s Many, Many Questions

    Of course! Arguing seems like a bad idea here haha. Copyright attorney seems like a bad idea given my circumstances, but the matter was more so for anyone reading than me, in a way.
  4. T


    I have no idea who the owner is haha. The event was a cross country meet for like a few schools and it was at like a (public maybe?) trail with a pavilion. I’m not sure if they have a lost and found bulletin. [btw I’ve edited this msg]
  5. T


    I think my Dad maybe uses the shorts
  6. T


    How do you think I should go about tracking them down? If I should, that is
  7. T

    Should I Keep This A Secret From This Person?

    I mean, it’s completely off topic right? 🤣
  8. T


    Hi everyone, About maybe 1.5 years ago, I attended an event as a participant, And someone’s shorts (as in clothing you wear) were left behind (I’m assuming someone may have like maybe changed clothes and forgot it behind or something along those lines). But anyway, a coach of mine was planning...
  9. T

    I’ve Committed Copyright Infringement

    But then what if they’re like, “oh hey why’d you just now change the subject?” 😂 Do you think a response such as “I’d rather not talk about it” could be appropriate?
  10. T

    I’ve Committed Copyright Infringement

    But idk 😂
  11. T

    I’ve Committed Copyright Infringement

    They might’ve been referring to the “Well, thanks for looking out for me” and not the post all the way up there at #1 (this message being #23)
  12. T

    I’ve Committed Copyright Infringement

    Btw, if I do end up deleting my channel what should I do if people at school ask me about it or people online ask me about it?
  13. T

    Should I Keep This A Secret From This Person?

    This is completely irrelevant but how’s the UK this time of year?
  14. T

    Help for Religious OCD video

    Thanks for sharing! I might get around to watching it sometime.
  15. T

    I’ve Committed Copyright Infringement

    I think I at least one project that I’ve temporarily put on hold but had other people help me on, so I think it wouldn’t be the right thing to do to not go through with it or them and work to get the video(s) published right?
  16. T

    I’ve Committed Copyright Infringement

    I didn’t realize I was somehow quoting Spider-Man lol
  17. T

    I’ve Committed Copyright Infringement

    Which post? If ya don’t mind meh asking
  18. T

    I’ve Committed Copyright Infringement

    Could I have posted two threads with the exact same post?
  19. T

    I’ve Committed Copyright Infringement

    I’m assuming ur referring to the original post up there and not the message ur replying to 😅 But no, I don’t think so.
  20. T

    I’ve Committed Copyright Infringement

    Well, thanks for looking out for me 😄