Search results

  1. jamie26301


    Here's the Weigh Down Diet. It works...and you can eat whatever you want! I know because I tried it. Week One Video: Weigh Down Basics <---Click God Bless!
  2. jamie26301


    What is Paul talking about when he says not to take communion in an unworthy manner? I've heard that taking it unworthily means not repenting of your sins, and I heard that repenting of your sins is an unworthy manner, because you're suppose to go to commuion with confidence. What do ya'll...
  3. jamie26301

    Can't we all just get along?

    There are many commands in Scripture urging us to come together in unity. It's ok to have different opinions. But can we at least love one another? Instead of things like saying someone is lost, or that the leader of their denomination is a 'murderer' and the like. This is not love. This is not...
  4. jamie26301

    Does Satan put thoughts into our minds?

    I've heard this over the years, but I want to know the basis for this belief: Where is it in Scripture? Because I can't find a single reference to Satan putting thoughts inside of someone's head. Yes, Satan influences the world, but we are sinful people, and often times I think unclean...
  5. jamie26301

    My impossible stuggle

    I sinned some years ago, and I don't feel guilt about it anymore. But the one I sinned with, I have a hard time letting go. Please pray I can feel closure from God.
  6. jamie26301

    What I can cook

    1. Take a piece of bread 2. Put it in the toaster 3. Remove bread 4. Apply butter
  7. jamie26301

    Infant Baptism

    What do you think of infant baptism? I used to believe in it because of the verse by Peter "baptism now saves you." But in my Ampified Bible, it says "saved from inward fears and questions." So I'm not sure that Baptism is a salvatic part of our redemption anymore. I would baptized my...
  8. jamie26301

    Potential job

    Hello all. I'm going to a training for homemaker (assisting elderly and disabled) on Oct 27-28. Pray a job comes from this and I get good hours. In Christ Jamie
  9. jamie26301

    Need a job

    Hey, I have asked for prayer for this before, but I have good news: There is training on Oct 27-28 for daily assist care for people who need it. I'm going to go, and maybe I'll have a job in that field. But I don't have a car, so pray I can find someone who needs me on the bus route...
  10. jamie26301


    How do you manually subscribe to a thread? Some threads get subscribed automatically but not all. I know how to remove a subscribed thread but not how to save it!
  11. jamie26301

    I'm beat

    I'm a little sad. Some Christians think that if you don't agree with them on certain teachings of the Bible, that you're a waste of time. If they try to convince you and you still don't agree, talking to you has been a waste of time. At least that's what my fellow Christian just told me...
  12. jamie26301

    In need of a job

    I know I have asked for prayer about this a couple times, but I'm really desperate. I need a job. I need a job if I want to progress through school and I need a job if I want to get my teeth fixed or anything else other than food. I have no money left over from my disability check after...
  13. jamie26301

    Been around but...Hi!

    Hi my name is Jamie. I've been around a while, a member for a few months before even posting for the first time. I've been around the Prayer Requests forum praying for those needs there and being involved in discussion in the Christian Young Adult Forum. I am a single 26 year old woman...
  14. jamie26301

    Certian needs

    Hello. I applied for college and got in (yay). Now here's the catch -- I can't go a second semester unless they have the offical transcript from the last college I went to. But to get it released, I have to pay the college 1300. And presently I don't have a job. Pray I get my job back at...
  15. jamie26301

    I'm frustrated

    Do you ever get depressed that you're not perfect? Bear with me; I'm not asking do you get depressed for not having a big ego. The Bible says "Be holy, for I am holy." Does your falling short of God's call to perfection ever depress you? I strive so hard to be holy. I told someone how closely...
  16. jamie26301

    I'm mad

    I'm upset. You know, I'm searching. I'm tryinng to come to my own conclusions about what the word of God says. Or even it it is infalliable or not. (I'm leaning towards it being infalliable, and I treat it's words such, but I'm open to arguments that it's not.) The Bible tells us that we...
  17. jamie26301

    Social Security

    Congress could pas a deal that cuts Social Security. 50 million Americans depend on it, and our children will one day depend on it. I depend on it because I'm disabled. I'm bipolar. My disability check has given me a roof over my head while I've been too unstable to work. And I don't have a...
  18. jamie26301

    Please Pray

    Hello fellow believers! I need prayer to get a job. I need prayer to find some songs and poems that got misplaced I need prayer to pay off a debt and get accepted back into college I need prayer to get an apartment (a cheaper one) Thanks and I'll keep you all in my prayer!
  19. jamie26301

    Need teeth fixed

    Hey. I've got much wrong with my mouth, but it will cost about 2300 to fix it all. I don't have that kind of money. Please pray for my healing so I don't have to get my teeth fixed. I hear of healings all the time.