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  1. Yahshua

    The hatred of Jews

    Is that an offer? Because you're rarely on planet earth. Yes I'd like to stay in reality thanks. What's interesting is how a broad question about the nature of The Almighty triggers what's really in one's heart. If you're going to answer a question at least stick to the question. I asked is...
  2. Yahshua

    The hatred of Jews

    Scripture proves that the land belongs to The Almighty, confirmed by history. He gives it to and takes it away from whomever HE wills. You need the bible to understand that it's not theirs until He gives it back. They don't get to take it from others because "one upon a time" ancestors lived...
  3. Yahshua

    The hatred of Jews

    I'll make your statement even simpler... You're saying it doesn't matter what they do, who they hurt, or what sins they commit. It doesn't even matter what the scriptures say or what history proves. All that matters is their assumed race and that they successfully seize all of the land (by any...
  4. Yahshua

    The hatred of Jews we're getting somewhere... Seen by whom? By The Almighty??? Can you explain how you reached the statement above? Is your reasoning that you believe Moses started Judaism; that the O.T. is Judaism and the N.T. is Christianity? If so, this is a huge misunderstanding that a lot of...
  5. Yahshua

    The hatred of Jews

    I can agree with this. It mirrors what Paul explained in Romans chapter 2 before writing what he did in Romans 11. And that is exactly how the promises of Abraham are fulfilled: The Almighty isn't going to fulfill His promises to unbelieving Jews (including returning to the land) merely because...
  6. Yahshua

    The hatred of Jews

    Yes, that's what I'm telling you. And actually, Hitler found them not "Jewy enough". Hitler referred to them as the "B" word (b***ards, the traditional definition, not the modern derogatory one). Because I've given you about as much proof that I'm a Jew as the people you believe are Jews have...
  7. Yahshua

    The hatred of Jews

    The following are excerpts of Israeli soldier testimonies from, I’m bored, so I shoot’: The Israeli army’s approval of free-for-all violence in Gaza" from +972 Magazine, an independent, online, nonprofit magazine run by a group of Palestinian and Israeli journalists. ------ Israeli soldiers...
  8. Yahshua

    The hatred of Jews

    Interestingly, the "diaspora" is defined as (1) exile from Jerusalem since it was their cultural and religious center and (2) the scattering of the people (i.e., there isn't a centralized community anymore). So as soon as Jews were banned from Jerusalem they were considered in exile/dispersed...
  9. Yahshua

    The hatred of Jews

    The exercise was performed well over a decade ago before this woke stuff took off. Scientists use skulls from the area to extrapolate the proportions of flesh that could wrap around it. "Popular Mechanics reports that British forensic experts and Israeli archaeologists have collaborated to...
  10. Yahshua

    The hatred of Jews

    A first-century Jew looked similar to a modern-day Palestinian because 80% of the Palestinians are genetic descendants of those first-century Jews, as opposed to 90% of those who currently claim to be but are not. Even scientific extrapolations were performed to approximate what they looked like...
  11. Yahshua

    The hatred of Jews

    It really necessitates that we're absolutely sure we know who Israel is, doesn't it? Question: If I said I was a Jew, would you believe me? Follow up: If your answer is "yes", could I then come into your home, rob you, and (Yah forbid) do unspeakable things to you after I kill your family, all...
  12. Yahshua

    The hatred of Jews

    @ThereRoseaLamb I see your angry face, and raise you a... lol.
  13. Yahshua

    The hatred of Jews

    Yeah. and it was both sides of the aisle. Thunderous applause as he says he needs more weapons to finish the job. I'm not 100% sure of your eschatological stance, but I can't help but see everything futurist Christians are still waiting to see in "The Antichrist" already fulfilled in that...
  14. Yahshua

    The hatred of Jews

    That moniker definitely fits Netanyahu
  15. Yahshua

    The hatred of Jews

    It's going to be a really bad day for many when the Messiah comes looking like a glorified Palestinian man and stating Mathew 25:31-46 to them.
  16. Yahshua

    Were the Four Horsemen released from the 1st century?

    I think you'll appreciate this, TDW. Take a step back and look at humanity from The Almighty's POV. Psalms 90:4 & Peter 3:8 say that 1000 years of mankind is like 1 day to Him. So, if 1000 years is like a day, 42 years is like 1 hour, and 7 years is only like 5 minutes to The Almighty! Now...
  17. Yahshua

    The hatred of Jews

    Because there's an order of operation, Nehemiah, as written. The Almighty shows His sovereignty by describing what will happen in order. There is no Israel in any form without The Messiah. The kingdom is established under the King ("and the government will be upon His shoulders."; "Thy kingdom...
  18. Yahshua

    The hatred of Jews

    Here's what scripture says: Isaiah 66:7-12 {brackets mine} 7 “Before she travailed, she brought forth; before her pain came, she was delivered of a manchild. {Prophecy of Messiah's birth. Fulfilled.} 8 Who hath heard such a thing? Who hath seen such things? Shall the earth be made to bring...
  19. Yahshua

    The hatred of Jews

    This is good. Summarizing her video: The Christian Arabs were welcoming of the Islamic Arabs, even giving them representation in government. Then in 30 years they quickly became the majority in Lebanon and then started slaughtering the Christian Arabs as they wanted an Islamic-only society...
  20. Yahshua

    The hatred of Jews

    No, He's alive. His name is Mujahed Abadi, 24. I'd never post images of the deceased on this site (or murder), as I think that would be a bit too far regarding content.