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  1. AllenW

    Name It and Claim It

    Very interesting posts. I believe in healing, just not name it and claim it. Philippians 2:25-30; Epaphroditus was sick and almost died. He lived to Glorify God. John 11:1; Lazarus died. Jesus brought him back to life to Glorify God. Trophimus was left behind sick in 2 Timothy 4:20;. I've known...
  2. AllenW

    Name It and Claim It

    I agree. But right now it is hitting too close to home, and will no doubt separate the church in a tight community.
  3. AllenW

    Name It and Claim It

    One thing that really bothers me is when a Christian comes up to me and says, "you haven't been healed because you lack faith". Boy, does that get me. After they say it they put a pert, smug smile on their face because they feel no pain and you do. You see, we have to claim our health and wealth...
  4. AllenW

    Not By Works

    You'll never know. You haven't got there yet.
  5. AllenW

    Not By Works

    I don't think she's ever lied, she's just misunderstood. Nothing a peaceful, pleasant, loving, spirit filled conversation couldn't solved. I know. I've been there, done that.
  6. AllenW

    Not By Works

    I see your weakness. Don't worry, I'll leave you alone.
  7. AllenW

    Not By Works

    stop worrying about a chat box pop up and start dealing with a living soul I said start over and you gave an excuse it doesn't work that way if you really care, than do something about it
  8. AllenW

    Not By Works

    Try starting over from page one. Is her soul worth it?
  9. AllenW

    Not By Works

    we always try to work out our salvation Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed--not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence--continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, Philippians 2:12;
  10. AllenW

    Not By Works

    It is time to pray to Mary.
  11. AllenW

    Not By Works

    I hope you ain't trying to earn your way to heaven with your cooking.....
  12. AllenW

    Not By Works

    Mr. Wrigley, I've always been around looking in on you. I miss your e-mails.
  13. AllenW

    Not By Works

  14. AllenW

    Not By Works

    She can't cook.
  15. AllenW

    Not By Works

    What are you talking about?
  16. AllenW

    What should our views be on LGBT

    I don't blame you for being disgusted. I am too. Don't give in to anyone about this. God found it disgusting too. Stay away from them and have fellowship with true Christians.
  17. AllenW

    Eternal Security/OSAS is Bad Doctrine

    2 Timothy 4:7-8 King James Version (KJV) Bible Gateway 7 I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: 8 Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all...
  18. AllenW

    Muslim baker refuses to bake cake for Christian wedding reports LNN

    This has all gotten out of hand. End times stuff. As a new Christian (1985) I held a Seder dinner at my church. I bought two quarters of lamb that I could not cut up or cook. Too big A friend came by, saw my dilemma, and said he could solve the problem. A person he had made friends with owned a...
  19. AllenW

    The White Album

    "Rocky Raccoon.. only to find Gideon's Bible....."
  20. AllenW

    Eternal Security/OSAS is Bad Doctrine

    I believe in eternal security and OSAS. But when people misuse the terms and claim what they believe to be true, there lies the problem. I can do nothing without Christ. I can do all things in Christ. I'm saved and I'm staying that way because I love Jesus.