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  1. Radius

    What do you think of the New Wine Pentecost?

    I don't know why you're still here then? If you aren't going to watch the video (even at the 25:30 mark on) that explains it all perfectly, and if you can't understand why this is important to believers, then there's just not much more I can do for you. I'm 43 years old, I'm not sure if...
  2. Radius

    What do you think of the New Wine Pentecost?

    "At pentecost the new wine symbolizes the infilling of the Holy Spirit". And although New Wine was not a pilgrimage Feast, it was still observed by Jews. The Septuagint (and Dead Sea Scrolls) alludes to this. I think it is a somewhat ground breaking revelation that Pentecost may not be on...
  3. Radius

    What do you think of the New Wine Pentecost?

    Thank you Sister for at least watching some of the video. You are being a Berean and testing all Scripture unlike others in this thread who shut it down immediately. I urge you to watch the first video from 25:30 on to the end. Totally eye opening. and I believe the Bible when it says in...
  4. Radius

    What do you think of the New Wine Pentecost?

    remain in the dark then.
  5. Radius

    What do you think of the New Wine Pentecost?

    I mean I can summarize all the points, but it's going to be lengthy. HereI even set the video right where he creaks it down.
  6. Radius

    What do you think of the New Wine Pentecost?

    lol i dont work for him nor have I ever met or spoken to him. But this material is too good not to share with sleeping brethren. Please don't mistake my enthusiasm for propaganda. But if don't have enough patience or will to go through the video which is entertaining the way way through, I...
  7. Radius

    What do you think of the New Wine Pentecost?

    New Wine is NOT for the Jews--it was observed but wasnt made a feast day unto them. It was hidden from them after the golden calf episode where they broke the wedding proposal from God on Mt. Sinai. So you aren't going to watch the video I take it. Don't willfully do this to yourself. Trust...
  8. Radius

    What do you think of the New Wine Pentecost?

    They will challenge your whole (traditional) thinking on that. They address every point. It's best to just watch the first video titled "Shavuot or Pentecost". It's a home run that Pentecost did NOT happen on Shavuot.
  9. Radius

    What do you think of the New Wine Pentecost?

    please see the videos I linked above
  10. Radius

    What do you think of the New Wine Pentecost?

    Pentecost just means 50. Pentecost does not have to be on one of the 3 major Jewish feast days. And New Wine may not be one of the 3 pilgrimage Feast days, but it was still observed. I can post a video proving it from a Jew who spoke on this subject if you want, just let me know.
  11. Radius

    What do you think of the New Wine Pentecost?

    Right, but notice the clue of the time of year it was. Men there said that the apostles were full of "new wine" (which comes after the wheat harvest). Sources like the dead sea scrolls have said that the priest consecrates new wine and pours it onto the altar at the 3rd hour for the new wine...
  12. Radius

    What do you think of the New Wine Pentecost?

    Oh man there are so many, Dr. Barry Awe has a ton at his channel, too. Here are some recent bangers to get you started:
  13. Radius

    What do you think of the New Wine Pentecost?

    Have you seen Dr. Barry Awe's and Generation2434's videos on youtube pertaining to New Wine? They have some good evidence the Holy Spirit was poured out on New Wine in Acts 2 (as opposed to the traditional Pentecost at an earlier date). I'd only like to hear from people who have actually...
  14. Radius

    Rapture Timing and Enoch's 10-Week Prophecy and the End of the Age

    days can = years in Bible prophecy. And there was a 120-year clock before God sent the rain for the people to repent, which they did not. I'm saying it's possible God is also using 120 years for the people to repent using Israel becoming a nation again as the starting date.
  15. Radius

    Rapture Timing and Enoch's 10-Week Prophecy and the End of the Age

    After listening to a few studies on the Essene calendar/Enoch's 10-Week prophecy, my hopes of a rapture in my lifetime has been dashed.. Are any of you familiar with it? It basically has the end set at the year 2,075. (We are going to enter the final jubilee next year in 2,025 which is...
  16. Radius


    This quote in no way says he became a Christian. It says he believed he received revelations and the gift of prophecy. Also he acknowledged God. But does not say that he turned to God in repentance and believed Jesus was His savior. Many believe in God, but aren't saved.
  17. Radius

    What if you die before water baptism?

    you will still be saved if you have faith in our Lord Jesus' death burial and resurrection for your sins, but did not get water baptized. I dont know why this thread has gone on for 20 pages?
  18. Radius

    These next 2 years will be terrible, the year 6,000 is approaching in 2026 AD

    Yes, early Jewish records are off. Some same over 200 years off. We know since the death of Christ has been nearly 2000 years, and the signs of the end are here. I believe we are correct, not the Jews, concerning the real time.
  19. Radius

    Is it the ‘end of the world?’ or ‘the end of the age?’

    this earth will not end. It will be refurbished.
  20. Radius

    The Rapture will happen in the middle of the Tribulation

    pre or mid, it doesn't matter. it's a difference of 3.5 years. and no, pretrib teaching wont dash the faith of some. If it does, i doubt they were saved to begin with. Pretribbers, such as myself, will say, "well, what da ya IS a mid trib rapture after all", and prepare accordingly.