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  1. BeeBlessed

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    John 19:17…. And He, bearing His cross, went out to a place called the Place of a Skull, which is called in Hebrew, Golgotha, Scriptural references really don’t explain why.
  2. BeeBlessed

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    Solomon And God gave Solomon wisdom and exceedingly great understanding, and largeness of heart like the sand on the seashore. (1 Kings 4:29) So sad that we read later… For it was so, when Solomon was old, that his wives turned his heart after other gods; and his heart was not loyal to the...
  3. BeeBlessed

    blue_ladybug's uterine cancer battle

    @blue_…. All these years later, your testimony shows us that, like the old familiar hymn says, ”It is no secret what God can do!” Thanks for not keeping secret what He has done in your life. :)
  4. BeeBlessed

    Questions for the mature older members...

    Hi, @Lanolin :)… Well, I’m quite a few years over 50 and have a lot of experience with some pretty awful falls. The last one happened about three months ago while I was racewalking. I tripped on uneven pavement, and even though I caught myself with my hands, I was going too fast to prevent my...
  5. BeeBlessed

    Any one else a Lianna Klassen fan?

    Hi, @Benoriel :) I had never heard of Lianna Klassen, so I looked her up. Her voice is pleasant and soothing, and I enjoyed everything I listened to. This was one of my favorites:
  6. BeeBlessed

    Amanda Nolan - For Such A Time As This

    What an awesome song! Thanks for sharing…. And welcome to CC @jwilder9 . :) I really love the scripture reference to Esther. We, too, are born—and reborn—for a purpose. Esther 4:14 (NKJV) For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews...
  7. BeeBlessed

    Speak Your Mind.

    Hi, @blue_ladybug … It’s nice to meet you. :) I’m new here, but in exploring the forums, I happened to see this post. I’m sorry to hear about your troubles of the past year, but it’s obvious that our ever-merciful Father is giving you grace day by day to cope with it all. I just wanted to...
  8. BeeBlessed

    Pharisees' request for a sign from the Messiah.

    Aside from the spiritual significance of the number 3 that the Pharisees should have been familiar with from their studies, the three days and three nights would be a fulfillment of prophecy straight from the mouth of Jesus, the Messiah, Himself. His resurrection was widely proclaimed, and...
  9. BeeBlessed

    Faith Obeys The Word

    No… James, a believer in Jesus (1:1), was writing to his fellow believing Christians among God’s chosen people. Verse 3 tells us that their faith was being tried. There is nothing in the book of James that should not apply to any believer.
  10. BeeBlessed

    Ain’t No Grave… Bethel Music & Molly Skaggs

    May favorite memory associated with this song is walking through a cemetery with a friend. We often walk together early in the morning, and it just so happens that in our area, the cemetery is a nice, safe place with plenty of paved pathways. We like to listen to Christian music as we go, and...
  11. BeeBlessed

    The Lord’s Prayer (It’s Yours)… Matt Maher & TAYA

    And I love Shane and Shane’s version, too. Remember? You shared it with me the first time I heard it….
  12. BeeBlessed

    The Lord’s Prayer (It’s Yours)… Matt Maher & TAYA

    Hallelujah! :D That moment of surrender, when we realize it does no good to run—that in fact, it is impossible to run—is such a blessed relief! No matter what age we are, we probably all ask ourselves, “What took me so long?” By the time we take refuge in Him, we can no longer even desire to...
  13. BeeBlessed

    The Lord’s Prayer (It’s Yours)… Matt Maher & TAYA

    Wow! How did I ever miss this one? I love it! It takes me right back to 1963… when my “this-is-the-moment-when-everything-changes“ moment happened. I felt so super-charged that day that I expected to see myself glowing when I looked in the mirror. Of course, it was just the same me on the...
  14. BeeBlessed

    Comfort Ye My People by LAMB

    The lyrics contain such beautiful promises! Thank you, @selahsays :)
  15. BeeBlessed

    “Ode to Annabelle lee “

    Yes, you definitely have a way with words—and you were given that precious gift for a reason…. Most likely, many reasons. Maybe your sister would enjoy hearing you read one of your poems to her. (Still praying for her and for your family.)
  16. BeeBlessed

    “Ode to Annabelle lee “

    Perhaps Poe’s mind wouldn‘t have been so tortured if his thoughts had turned to his Savior rather than Annabel Lee. It was his last completed poem. The theme of both your poem and Poe’s is everlasting love; I would say yours is the greater success! :)
  17. BeeBlessed

    Adue to “the raven “ evermore

    Thanks for sharing this poem, @Pilgrimshope …:) I especially love the personification in these two lines because it so accurately describes the living Word. Hebrews 4:12 (NKJV): For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division...
  18. BeeBlessed

    New here

    Hi right back to you, too, @jabeenjoseph ! I’m happy to meet you here on CC! May all the time you spend here be blessed with encouragement and the joy of the LORD! :)
  19. BeeBlessed


    Hello there, @ForgivenAndRedeemed , and welcome to CC! :) Enjoy looking around; you’ll be making new friends before you know it!