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  1. S

    Revelation 6:1

    Took me a while to reread the verses. I figured if you take the time to put it in brother, I’m gonna take the time to read it now we could split the difference on what Satan is going to call himself. If he wants to be worshiped you know he goes by the other names Lucifer. He might even call...
  2. S

    Revelation 6:1

    I’m proud to call you my brother also I’m only here because The Holy Spirit sent me I love everybody here I do not want to leave any brother or sister behind and neither does God. He makes it very clear in the Bible.
  3. S

    Revelation 6:1

    And yes, the antichrist will not be alone. He will have 7000 other supernatural fallen angels with him. He will be a sight to see when they all drive up in their UFO, and everybody will run for their wisdom. You won’t have to go up in the sky to meet him he’ll take you there in his UFO. Just be...
  4. S

    Revelation 6:1

    Let’s just look at it from a strategic psychological warfare game, which I specialize in to give a story based on biblical knowledge. Would it not be a wonderful trap to convince people that they are going to get rapture and they don’t have to worry about the consequences. If you’re saying...
  5. S


    I can sit here and send you all the Bible verses leading up to 1 Thessalonians 5:9 But starting at 5:1. Which makes it very clear. This is talking about the coming of Jesus, the Christ in the seventh seal. Basically, Paul says I do not have to remind you that's how it's going to be He also...
  6. S


    First of all the good luck sign is a pagan symbol, so you’re already started out bad.
  7. S

    Revelation 6:1

    Whether it’s in the New Testament or the Old Testament, it is all the word of God. Yes I am a watchman. If you will stick to the current events right now, you will see that your theory is completely wrong. We are going to go through hell right now. The whole world is about ready to go into...
  8. S

    Revelation 6:1

    Well, thank you for a lousy explanation of your point
  9. S


    As you can see, it was a spelling error, but if you wanna make fun of that instead of what I’m telling you go ahead
  10. S

    Revelation 6:1

    I’ll tell him only what the Holy Spirit tells me to say then I’ll drop the microphone and hand it to the next of the elect
  11. S

    Revelation 6:1

    So are you saying if I’m reading this correctly that Even though the Bible says it was a cheap imitation bow why would Jesus come on a white horse and start Wars, famine, etc. and on the seventh seal who is that? Coming in the clouds Obviously, it is talking about the antichrist the bow given...
  12. S

    Revelation 6:1

    Yes, I have to admit the presentation looks very professional. However, I disagree with the seals and the trumps as you know. Future will prove past! Let’s bring it forward to the present time Russia is about ready to knock Ukraine and NATO out of the picture and where is the peace treaty?
  13. S


    I am pretty sure you know the Bible as well as I do and there is a verse in two places in the Bible that clearly say we are not supposed to premeditate anything we are to say to the antichrist until we let the Holy Spirit speak through us. So I can tell you what I might want to say to him which...
  14. S

    Revelation 6:1

    For the first 1500 years of the Bible nobody ever heard of the rapture and like I told you go ahead and get ready. Good luck I’m not I’m standing up against the antichrist I don’t need anybody’s help but I got 7000 friends that will also stand behind me with 144,000 others as a second team. Good...
  15. S

    Revelation 6:1

    Holy cow I couldn’t disagree with you more! First and foremost I doubt everybody in the world has heard about God or even Christmas but let’s say they did what happens if they had a crappy teacher. Do you know a teacher that taught them Christianity but from the devils perspective that person...
  16. S

    Revelation 6:1

    So are you saying that the New Testament makes the Old Testament irrelevant? I’m trying to figure out where you’re going with this and I am aware.
  17. S


    I’m so sorry I don’t get back to a lot of other people. Please forgive me for that one. The website seem to been shut down for a while and two I do a lot of work for the military I love talking about God so let me do a little bit of backtracking here on the form so I could get back to everybody...
  18. S

    Revelation 6:1

    Do you want a Bible story that will more fit what is happening than the one I believe you’re giving me about Rome. We are at the moment where the sheep herder David took a rock and slew Goliath in the name of God that was the first example of a mortal wound. The mortal one will come to the...
  19. S

    Deadly wound

    Good I’m glad that you are enjoying my talk about revelation. However, I disagree with you 100%. We need to be talking about this don’t you. I could tell you’re pretty close when the worlds going to end and it’s all in the Bible as soon as the two witnesses are killed you had 3 1/2 days. So...
  20. S


    I just can’t get over this rapture talk Is there any Christian church I can go on and talk to people that don’t care about the rapture I just know that Brazil is about ready to collapse. I have a lot of inside information. I also know Russia is about ready to completely decimate Ukraine in a...