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  1. sandtigeress

    dont know what to do or feel

    Hi, here i am again. I do not have a specific wish :) or too many :), but I would like some generall prayer. My partner of 14 years started breaking up with me a year ago. The seperation of goods (living space) was effective only a year later. I have prayed, fought and held on. But I no...
  2. sandtigeress

    better new year, filled with gods blessings and filled with love

    Hi, i would like to pray for 2014, that it will be a good year. That we do not despair about our chanenges, that loved ones will return and that god will be found by all those who need him. That there will be joy and love and new and returned families, together under gods blessing. I would...
  3. sandtigeress


    please help me pray for a dear friend of mine, who developed a high tolerance for alcohol, as in going to a pub every evening.
  4. sandtigeress

    simple christmas prayer

    Please pray for my family, especially for my partner, who is sepate from me. Please let gods love shine through at this christmas. God gave his son for our sins, please pray for us, that we will all learn to remove ourselves from sin and join together in the love and praise of our almighty god.
  5. sandtigeress

    relationship jojo

    Why did i fall for him again :( He wanted a second start, he wanted another chance after the separation he wanted, he said "I do not want to loose you, he said, 1,5h are not too much, lets us ...." how can he now say again, sorry you are doing that wrong and I simply do not feel ... Please...
  6. sandtigeress

    missing concentration

    please pray for me once again :( Everything seems to overpower me. I know it should not, but I need some of gods guidance and more peace of mind. + relationship issues with my now (ex)partner + workissues + ... Everything seems to overwhelm me at some time, like I can not concentrate.
  7. sandtigeress


    please pray for me, I am again in a phase, where i do not understand my life, nor what parts i should concentrate on. Life is so slow and it goes in circles. I feel so alone sometimes, whereever I am.
  8. sandtigeress

    strange time

    Hi please pray for me. I do no longer know, how god wants me to act and where I am to be. Help me to pray for clearness. Greetings. sandtigeress (who does not want to write so many things, I just need a clear path)
  9. sandtigeress

    hurt by leaving

    To those of you who have been left (willingly as in a seperation or divorce) by your partner (husband or wife). How long does it take, to not hurt anymore ? how long does it take untill one stops to hope ?
  10. sandtigeress

    prayer for friends

    Please pray for some friends of mine. One is supposingly behind in child support (due to a change in jobs) and is very hurt by the reaction of his elder daughter, that he cares for a lot and who he normally has a very good relation too. He currently has a lot of issues, about people he loved...
  11. sandtigeress

    he has a new flat

    Please lord, help us to trust in you and to trust in love again. Please lord look into our hearts and heal us. Please lord help us to understand, that love is worth a little pain and work. Please lord heal his mind and heart, please lord help us to become partner again. Please lord help us to...
  12. sandtigeress

    working in the partnership, but seperation to be

    "Lord, I am confused and so sad. Please help us to find a future again. Please lord, let us find the way you prepaired for us, but please I would very much have a future with my partner of the last 14 years. Please gift us with your wisdom and your love again, that we may see the other clearly...
  13. sandtigeress

    prayer please

    We are in the last stages bevor real seperation. I have put books in boxes. My SO is in the other room, deciding what to throw out. I am so confussed by all of it. I have cried so much in the last half year. Please lord guard and guide us. Please don't let us do something wrong. (for all who...
  14. sandtigeress

    prayer request

    Would you please pray for my (soon to be ex, or at present ex, i don't know ex-, does not feel ex) life partner. We were together 13 years, but the last year we had a lot of misunderstandings and then he decided he is single again. And yes there was another woman (he never had an affair...