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  1. V

    How Many SHEEP Were On The ARK?

    How many SHEEP were on the Ark? :) ______ 2 ______ 5 ______ 14 ______ 21 Chapter & Verse
  2. V

    The "others" crucified with Christ

    I think you are missing the point of all this. It's all about the order of events. Watch your TIME WORDS. What is the first word in Matt.27:38? It is the word "THEN" which means that which comes next is following or coming AFTER what has just preceded. What precedes verse 38? Verse 37 which...
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    The "others" crucified with Christ

    Luke 23:26-31 .. Jesus is being led to Calvary. Luke 23:32-33 32) And there were also two other, malefactors, led with him to be put to death. 33) AND WHEN THEY (they who? Jesus and two malefactors) WERE COME to the place, which is called Calvary, there they crucified him, and the maledfactors...
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    The "others" crucified with Christ

    If I give you 2 boxes at 9am, and then come back a few hours later and give you 2 boxes, how many boxes do you have from me? TWO....or....FOUR....? :-)
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    The "others" crucified with Christ

    It's a question because 2 reviled Jesus in one text, and only 1 reviled Jesus in another text. ...that's like you and me arguing over the score of the most recent ball game. We both agree on who won, but we disagree on the score. It would make one wonder if we had seen the same game. You might...
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    The "others" crucified with Christ

    In the Biblical story..... I believe there is a Biblical story, but the one we are being taught is full of errors. And it seems that people are good with that story for some reason. If the Bible is TRUTH, then there cannot be errors in the story. And in this story there seems to be a couple of...
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    The "others" crucified with Christ

    How many were crucified with Christ? ______ 2 or ______ 4 Thoughts...?...
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    Night Watches / Day Watches?

    The first "watch" of the night began at sundown and was called the "evening watch": 6-9pm The Passover Lambs were to be sacrificed "at even". This would have to be BEFORE sunset when the first night watch would begin. Lev.23:5, "In the fourteenth day of the first month at even is the LORD'S...
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    Night Watches / Day Watches?

    I have heard of the "Night Watches," where the night time is divided into 3 or 4 equal segments. Mark 13:35, "Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the master of t he house cometh, at 1)EVEN [(sunset) 6pm-9pm], or at 2)MIDNIGHT [9pm-12am], or at the 3)COCKCROWING [12am-3am], or in the...