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    Thank you for the advice, but I actually started researching about a year ago. I wanted to come on here to get a little extra advice so I can move from there.
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    Catholic Heresy (for the record)

    So, technically, Catholicism is the first denomination of Christianity. Now, I know it did get a little corrupted towards the Protestant Reformation, but they changed. You can't call a denomination in your own religion a heresy. It is just a difference in thoughts and ideas. We don't believe...
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    Roman Catholicism is the one that I chose, and I have been taught by my Catholic friends and priests that salvation comes through faith and upholding that faith by going to church and things like that.
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    Things like communion, believing in miracles, putting God above all, and more. It just didn't seem right for me.
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    I really like the faith attached to it. The way that they do things in the church. As a Baptist, we didn't really uphold the things God tells us to do and I don't agree with that.
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    Is it okay to be friends w. the LGBTQ+ community?

    The way I take it when it comes to the LGBTQ community is that God tells us not to be judgemental because that is up to Him. Now, yes, the Bible does say not to be a part of that community. So, I would say respect it, but do not support it. The Bible says when you are around people you become...
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    My whole family is Baptist and are very strict when it comes to God. I recently did I study on Catholicism (which is another denomination of Christianity) at school and I fell in love with the idea of it. I started to talk to my Catholic friends about it and they helped me to understand it...