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  1. M

    Bible Vs Scientism

    Good stuff, tourist. 👍 Do you also believe that the word "earth" - all throughout the scriptures - refers ONLY to the dry land part on which we live, and that the sea is always something OTHER THAN "the earth"?
  2. M

    Bible Vs Scientism

    That is indeed a great starting point. Okay, do you also agree that God created the heaven on day 2, the earth on day 3, and the sun, moon and stars on day 4?
  3. M

    Bible Vs Scientism

    I don't think so. Morning and evening are used in scripture as we use them still today. Morning is associated with sunrise, and evening with sunset throughout the Bible.
  4. M

    Bible Vs Scientism

    Brilliant! All it takes is a little bit of thinking logically for ourselves instead of believing every stupid thing we're told on blind faith. Elon allegedly sent a Tesla to Mars - but the cameras only worked for a day or so. WHY? Why on earth would we not still be receiving live images of...
  5. M

    Bible Vs Scientism

    Ah... okay. I thought you were saying that there were original humanoid progenitors from whom Adam came. And you are correct, the modern wolf is likely not the original progenitor of the canine sub-kinds as I had suggested in my last post. The wolf is probably itself a sub-kind that is fairly...
  6. M

    Bible Vs Scientism

    In the 2 verses that say a day is like a thousand years to God, define the word "day". As for your question, consider... 1. The very concept and creation of "the day" is from God, who created it solely in relation to the earth. 2. God defined "day" as a single light/dark earth cycle - or the...
  7. M

    Bible Vs Scientism

    Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, right? As explained in my previous post to you, simply listing a million things that "could be" possibilities gets us nowhere. If it is your understanding that God DID use common decent evolution over billions of years, then you will have a...
  8. M

    Bible Vs Scientism

    Well said, Rich. Allow me to make a couple of clarifications... 1. Wolves today still have the genetic info to make every single kind of canine in the world. From wolf to poodle, for example, requires a LOSS of genetic info. You can still breed a poodle from a wolf over time, but you can...
  9. M

    Bible Vs Scientism

    Wow, I guess you really showed me! Just like that atheist did when I was unable to provide him with photographs of God, thereby proving that God doesn't exist! 🙄 Take care.
  10. M

    Bible Vs Scientism

    Of course, it's also possible that the "waters" could be some kind of magical pixie dust that we aren't told about anywhere else in the Bible, right? 🙄 Your number 1 is null because it's not the "waters" that are said to be formless. Your numbers 2 and 3 are similar, scripturally-supported...
  11. M

    Bible Vs Scientism

    Stand and defend your statement. Pick any one of those listings and show me how it works in your solar system model. "Otherwise we're done here"? 😄 We never even got started. You just spouted some stuff, and I showed you how the Bible contradicts that stuff. You never made a...
  12. M

    Bible Vs Scientism

    The empirical information is consistent with many models. Case in point... “People need to be aware that there is a range of models that could explain the observations... For instance, I can construct you a spherically symmetrical universe with Earth at its center, and you cannot disprove it...
  13. M

    Bible Vs Scientism

    Then it's a good thing that this isn't a flat earth thread. I've just listed 8 Biblical teachings that contradict your belief in the solar system we all grew up believing in. Do you really have no comment about why you still believe in an unproven model that contradicts the Bible?
  14. M

    Bible Vs Scientism

    Now we're getting nearer to clearer! Yes, I accept on faith that the Bible is the truth. For example, I cannot PROVE that the God of Abraham created heaven and earth, or created Adam from dust and Eve from Adam. I believe these things on a rational conclusion that the abundance of observable...
  15. M

    Bible Vs Scientism

    The quotes are to show you that the Hebrew root word raqa refers to hammering something into a solid shape/object. The Hebrew word raqia refers to the solid object that has been hammered into shape. So what we know from the Bible... 1. God created the raqia (solid object) to separate the...
  16. M

    Bible Vs Scientism

  17. M

    Bible Vs Scientism

    When you made your implication that there is something noteworthy in the etymology of "firmament", I understood you to be talking about the Hebrew word that is translated AS "firmament". And that Hebrew word refers to a solid object that has been beaten into shape with a tool, ie: Job 37:18...
  18. M

    Bible Vs Scientism

    Heliocentric means sun-centered... as in the sun is the focal point of our system, not the earth. Gen 1:6-8... And God said, “Let there be a firmament between the waters, to separate the waters from the waters.” So God made the firmament and separated the waters beneath it from the waters...
  19. M

    Bible Vs Scientism

    Let's walk through this slowly, until this one issue has been resolved. Then we can move on to other issues. Let's start with how God explained it... Genesis 1:2... Now the earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the...
  20. M

    Bible Vs Scientism

    And how about this other time lapse you just linked, Oriel? Is it even remotely possible to create the exact same thing artificially? Yes or No, please?