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  1. IMG_20180731_203839.jpg


    Ogmore...bit of a fluke that this photo turned out so nice!
  2. IMG_20181101_124406555_HDR~2.jpg


    Where I often go to pray overlooking my town.
  3. ywalgoch

    What is your favorite sport and why?

    Hey Butterfly where in the UK are you? Welcome to the forums!
  4. ywalgoch

    Dealing with loneliness?

    🤣That made my laugh out loud...which is a good thing as I'm currently getting drenched waiting for the pel-droed ⚽to start! By the way...those are some clues for you!👍 Not sure what the prize is just yet...I need a think🤔
  5. ywalgoch

    What is your favorite sport and why?

    My main sport is football (soccer)...played it up until 35, refereed since I was 18 and now coach it in school. Brought up as a little one to kick a ball and really do see it as "the beautiful game"👍⚽ Used to play a lot of tennis, fencing and golf in the summer. Now I enjoy watching hockey...
  6. ywalgoch

    Hello everyone!

    Hi Tasha👍☺️ Welcome to the forums 😁
  7. ywalgoch

    Media on your profile...

    Hi do you add some pics of you on your profile? Think they come up under the tab "media" 🤔 Thanks!😇
  8. ywalgoch

    Is it healthy to feel this way?

    Hey Steph. I'm sorry to hear that you are feeling a bit down so to speak about yourself. Trust are not alone. I think everyone to a greater or lesser extent want to change things about themselves. Maybe their looks, job etc... I've given this a lot of thought and spent a lot of time...
  9. ywalgoch

    The awkward moment when....

    Some of these are priceless 🤣 sorry, but I couldn't help but laugh at some of them🙄😇
  10. ywalgoch

    New here...

    Might be worth trying Google⚽🤫🤔
  11. ywalgoch

    New here...

    Football (soccer)
  12. ywalgoch

    Natural cures for acid

    Hey Steph👍☺️ I have suffered with this a lot. However, changing my diet did wonders. Cut out fatty foods, coffee etc. I've changed my diet so I only eat fish now and only occasionally meat like is the primary reason I'd say that people suffer with acid reflux. Slippery elm is...
  13. ywalgoch

    New here...

    🤣Ladybug is in the lead so far.
  14. ywalgoch

    New here...

  15. ywalgoch

    New here...

    Definitely not Chelsea ⚽🤣 might be onto something.
  16. ywalgoch

    Dealing with loneliness?

    How old are 8th graders?🤔 The kids I deal with are 11-19 but I have worked with little ones before (covered a class of 4 year olds) and they were simply lush 😍😇 no answering back!🤣 PS - There's a prize for someone working out what my username is about. (Terms and conditions apply) 😂
  17. ywalgoch

    New here...

    PS...There's a prize for working out what my username is about👍
  18. ywalgoch

    New here...

    🤣And what are these conditions? I hope I don't have to do some kind of intelligence test😎😂
  19. ywalgoch

    Dealing with loneliness?

    Hey Jenn ☺️ I have found a couple of churches that I feel might be worthwhile joining. I have prayed about what kind of church to join and now need to make an effort and get involved. It was a lonely time and very hard to leave. I'd prayed about it for a couple of years and then God gave me...
  20. ywalgoch

    Dealing with loneliness?

    Hi Jenn, Thank you for posting. This is a very real thing. Especially now with social media and the like, we seem to be even more detached and isolated as a society. Recently, over the past year or two, I have felt incredibly lonely. I left my home church after 20 years (for what I felt are...