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  1. breno785au

    Knowing Love

    A few weeks ago I was asked to share something with some work colleagues who are also believers over a zoom meeting, I chose to talk about love, because really there's nothing else more important to discuss IMO. I can't attach the file so I'll copy paste parts of what I shared, it's not much but...
  2. breno785au

    If Jesus Were Here Today, Would He Want His Miracles Posted on Social Media?

    I also think too that He told them not to say anything so as to not draw attention to Himself but for all glory to the Father. But now that He is glorified, that mandate is no longer. I feel like I haven't explained my thought very well though
  3. breno785au

    The Shepherding Movement and Covering Doctrine

    Yeah I've heard many times, if you leave our church, you leave our covering....Thanks fearmongerer. Being hidden in Christ has nothing to do what congregation you attend.
  4. breno785au

    Knowing Love

    Love is not discussed very much on here, pretty bad considering we're told to pursue it.
  5. breno785au

    To all of you non flat earthers.

    To all those in the Northern hemisphere, is this true?
  6. breno785au

    To all of you non flat earthers.

    There's no emotion about it. Plenty of irrefutable evidence that the earth and planets are global so therefore everything must of stopped and we all know that God is quite capable of it. Flat earth evidence out of the bible is very poor interpretation of scripture.
  7. breno785au

    To all of you non flat earthers.

    Yes I have heard of it. Do you know why it exists?
  8. breno785au

    To all of you non flat earthers.

    If God can stop the sun, he can stop anything.
  9. breno785au

    To all of you non flat earthers.

    Except if God is able to stop the sun, He is also more than able to stop everything and anything and still sustain life.
  10. breno785au

    To all of you non flat earthers.

    I really don't think a few hundred year old story counts. At least not for me. And I don't believe there is any global conspiracy hiding it. Anyone who's been involved in project management would know this would be an impossible task. I want to see pictures, videos, documentation, anything that...
  11. breno785au

    To all of you non flat earthers.

    Is there any documentation of this ice ring?
  12. breno785au

    To all of you non flat earthers.

    Just wondering how that scripture fits in if people interpret 'circle of the earth' as evidence for flat earth.
  13. breno785au

    To all of you non flat earthers.

    Why did John say he saw 4 angels standing on 4 corners of the earth?
  14. breno785au

    Disgusting LGBT whiner sues heroic Christian baker

    “Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you. Matthew 5:11‭-‬12 ESV
  15. breno785au

    WHICH Bible "version" Is Authorized By God?

    The proud will be humbled and the humble will be exalted.
  16. breno785au

    Joe Biden Needs A Wheel Chair And Rest Home, Must See Clip, 30 Sec

    I think he recovered pretty darn well for someone his age. I've fallen up stairs before in the same manner. Edit: Mods need to edit the disrespectful title of this thread. It is not an actual headline.
  17. breno785au

    The Beast is arising

    Yes both make good points, thank you :)
  18. breno785au

    The Beast is arising

    I don't really understand why we rush to understand the book of revelation once we start expericing difficulty or localised political/social issues. Makes me wonder what the citizens of Europe might of been thinking/feeling when entire cities across a continent were bombed to kingdom come during...
  19. breno785au

    The will of God

    The will of God is to love God and love your neighbour as yourself. You can abandon everything, even your life but if you don't have love, you have nothing.