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  1. Devin02

    I Need Some Encouragment

    Thanks everyone! I will keep you all updated on how I'm doing.
  2. Devin02

    I Need Some Encouragment

    Yes, I know God is helping me to grow through this time of suffering and I will be glad I took this job when it is all said and done. I will have a lot more money as well!
  3. Devin02

    I Need Some Encouragment

    It's partly because we're actually moving in a couple weeks so I'm excited to move and find a new job and rest for a while, and then I think about how close yet how far away we are from moving. The worst part is that some days or even parts of the day I enjoy everything and then other times I...
  4. Devin02

    I Need Some Encouragment

    I don't really like the job I am working for and when I'm not working at it I'm constantly thinking about it and that takes away the joy of enjoying the things God has given me to enjoy. Pray God would help me to live in the present and not to worry or think about my job. Pray I would have...
  5. Devin02

    Mothers Day

    What are you planning on doing/getting for you Mom on mothers day this year? What have you done in the past? I need some ideas.
  6. Devin02

    Does God speak to you through certain things?

    For me, God seems to speak to me when I am washing dishes or doing a job around the house. Sometimes he will give me an idea of how I can grow in my relationship with others or sometimes he may convict me of a sin that I have been doing recently. Do you have anything similar to this? Any places...
  7. Devin02

    Did God tell a lie? (Genesis 2-3)

    In Genesis 2 when God is instructing Adam that he can't eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil he says if you eat from the tree "you shall surely die" (Verse 17). So how come they didn't die when they ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil as God said they would?
  8. Devin02

    What to do about this?

    You know how Matthew 6:5-6 talks about praying in secret with nobody else around. What if you don't have a peaceful, quiet and alone place to pray? I often have this problem and I'm sure there are other people who don't have a quiet and peaceful place to pray either.
  9. Devin02

    Bible Questions Thread

    In this thread you can ask any questions about the bible or something you read in the bible that you don't understand. Of course you can answer other people's questions as well. Let me get this started by asking a question about Philemon 1 In verse 11 it says that Onesimus (Paul's child) was...
  10. Devin02

    A Quick Question

    Why did Jesus tell his disciples to go only to the Israels and not to the Gentiles and Samaritans? (Matthew 10:5-6)
  11. Devin02

    What happens to people who never here about Christ?

    This is a question I have been thinking about quite a bit lately. What if a person never hears about the Gospel and never knows there is a God who cares about them and does evil things but they don't know any better because they have never read the words of the Bible. Are they going to go to...
  12. Devin02

    BB code font is not allowed

    How do I fix this error message? I don't know what the BB code font is. It brings that up when I try to start a thread in the Chat Groups. Any help would be greatly appreciated! :)
  13. Devin02

    Anyone want to start a bible study group with me?

    I was thinking that we would just work through a book of the bible start to finish. My idea was I would post the chapter that we read for that day and then we meet and discuss the text and how it is important and stuff. I was thinking maybe we could meet in the lounge, there usually isn't very...
  14. Devin02

    Prayers for my sister

    My 4 year old sister recently got some kind of Juvenile Arthritis and has not been able to walk very well for probably about a month. She doesn't like taking medicines and going to doctors appointment. Please pray for healing and comfort for her. Thanks! :)
  15. Devin02

    Favorite Ice Cream Flavor

    Which of these Ice Cream flavors would you choose if you could eat only that flavor for the rest of your life? I would choose Chocolate.
  16. Devin02

    Hello Everyone

    Hi everyone, how is everyone doing? I'm excited to use the wonderful resource to be encouraged by fellow Christians!