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  1. J

    Does Oneness theology (Modalism) teach a "sock puppet" view of God's nature?

    In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was to Spirit(God), and the Word was Spirit(God).
  2. J

    Does Oneness theology (Modalism) teach a "sock puppet" view of God's nature?

    In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was to Spirit(God), and the Word was Spirit(God).
  3. J

    Does Oneness theology (Modalism) teach a "sock puppet" view of God's nature?

    Angela53510 in your Trinity doctrine God is three persons co-exist since from eternity. God is Spirit, so therefore there are three spirit persons in your Trinity before Incarnation, isn't it?
  4. J

    Does Oneness theology (Modalism) teach a "sock puppet" view of God's nature?

    It has since been widely accepted by modern scholars that the Athanasian Creed was not authored by Athanasius. The reasons for rejecting Athanasius as the author relies on a combination of the following. 1. The creed originally was mostly written in Latin, while Athanasius composed in Greek. 2...
  5. J

    Does Oneness theology (Modalism) teach a "sock puppet" view of God's nature?

    Athanasian Creed "Whosoever will be saved, before all things it is necessary that he hold the catholic faith. Which faith unless every one do keep whole and undefiled, without doubt he shall perish everlastingly. And the catholic faith is this: that we worship one God in Trinity, and Trinity in...
  6. J

    Does Oneness theology (Modalism) teach a "sock puppet" view of God's nature?

    The historical evidence proves that the Roman Catholic church developed the full doctrine of Trinity of 3 co-equal and 3 co-eternal divine persons in the late fifth and perhaps the early sixth century. The irst century Apostles and first apostolic church never used the word "Trinity" and...
  7. J

    Does Oneness theology (Modalism) teach a "sock puppet" view of God's nature?
  8. J

    Does Oneness theology (Modalism) teach a "sock puppet" view of God's nature?

    It is not true that Modalism was refuted at the Council of Nicea in 325 AD, in fact the Modalism greatly influenced the Council of Nicea in 325 AD.
  9. J

    Does Oneness theology (Modalism) teach a "sock puppet" view of God's nature?

    Is there any writings that Athanasius confronted the Modalist? The Athanasian Creed is certainly not the writings of Athanasius. A Latin document composed in the Western Church, the creed was unknown to the Eastern Church until the 12th century. Since the 17th century, scholars have generally...
  10. J

    Does Oneness theology (Modalism) teach a "sock puppet" view of God's nature?

    Calixtus was at first inclined to be sympathetic to Sabellius’ teaching but later condemned it and excommunicated Sabellius
  11. J

    Does Oneness theology (Modalism) teach a "sock puppet" view of God's nature?

    But why Trinitarians used the writings of Semi-Arians to defend Trinity?
  12. J

    Does Oneness theology (Modalism) teach a "sock puppet" view of God's nature?

    Hippolytus and Origen are always quoted their writings by Trinitarians to counter Oneness theology but they were not Trinitarian at all, they were Semi-Arians who do not believe that the Son is in one substance with the Father and that Jesus is inferior to the Father.
  13. J

    Does Oneness theology (Modalism) teach a "sock puppet" view of God's nature?

    It is the Trinity that appears a "sock-puppet theology" because according to them these three persons each of them has no individual spirit despite having their individual mind and consciousness. That these three persons seem controlled by one spirit, and it appears that these three persons...
  14. J

    Does Oneness theology (Modalism) teach a "sock puppet" view of God's nature?

    No hope for us to be deceived again to the Trinity doctrine that former we believe and defended. As you can you see the graph survey of this thread is changing from Yes to No.
  15. J

    Does Oneness theology (Modalism) teach a "sock puppet" view of God's nature?

    You and I are two persons. What makes a person is that he has his own consciousness, the consciousness would only possible if there is soul/spirit in that one person. But you are trying to portray that these three persons have only one spirit, seems like a monster Janus.
  16. J

    Does Oneness theology (Modalism) teach a "sock puppet" view of God's nature?

    The Oneness is in biblical in illustrating the Godhead, as we believed that the divine Spirit is the Father which is in Jesus, and thesame Spirit in action from the Father who is the Holy Spirit. While Trinitarhreeians describe the Godhead as co-equal, it would mean that the three persons can be...
  17. J

    Does Oneness theology (Modalism) teach a "sock puppet" view of God's nature?

    As what I posted the body of Christ in him God(Father) fully indwelt. The Father is in Christ dwelling, so it understood that Christ is in the Father. It seems like you are trying to describe that there are two spirits indwelling each other. (((And, if the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Christ...