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  1. U


    Doesn't catholics believe in the Christian God?
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    Ok :) Did you follow another religion earlier?
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    Eh 🙄 Isn't Jesus God in trinity?
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    The Gun Thread

    Thank you for your answer :) I thought Jesus was a pacifist. I do not see a reason for getting a gun, so I guess I will try to keep living as a pacifist.
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    Ok :) Do you mean, they denying 400 years ago, meant the same as giving up does today?
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    Currently I live in Poland. I found the chat/forum to meet inspiring people. No, I don't see myself as a lier. I just tried joking with a person's comment :)
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    Selvom jeg ikke forestod dig, er jeg ikke en løgner ;)
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    Sorry, I don't understand your message
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    The Gun Thread

    Hi :) Maybe this perspective of the topic has been looked at before in the thread, but I would like to know, what the connection is between Christianity and guns.
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    I think it depends on, what Bible is used. Mark 8:34 KJV: "And when he had called the people unto him with his disciples also, he said unto them, Whosoever will come after me, let him DENY HIMSELF, and take up his cross, and follow me. " NLV: Jesus called the people and His followers to Him. He...
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    Why are you terrified?
  13. U


    I agree :) We don't find faith on an intellectual level, but from trusting in giving up the illusion of ourselves and feeling the peace. Reading the Bible has inspired me to seeing life as I try to follow it now. Other sources has also inspired me. And I keep finding inspiration in all of these...
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    Yes, I think I'm aware of the differences between my understanding and Christianity :) (but also still have much I can learn)
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    Yes. Studying the Bible has helped me have a more peaceful life.
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    Thank you very much for your wish to support me :)
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    Hopefully not a thinker :p
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    You are most likely correct about this. I try not to focus on this mental understanding of God. But your logic seems correct. I hope you will sleep well :)
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    Yes, it seems like it's in a personal understanding of God, that is most likely where the difference in my understanding and Christianity lies.
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    Do you subscribe to a yin/yang type of construct? I would see a construction as part of a mental image, that I try to avoid. But I don't find the idea about a constant movement towards a balance in life impossible. Is God sentient in your view? A conscious entity? The ground of our being? I...