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  1. onlinebuddy

    Was the Catholic Church founded by Jesus himself? This is a catholic video. Need your comments please. No offense to anyone.
  2. onlinebuddy

    Cruelty to animals in the dairy and meat industry

    It is heart-breaking to see how animals are treated in order to procure milk and meat. Yes, God gave man authority over animals, but isn't this misuse of authority? How does God feel about the way animals are treated in the dairy and meat industry? I am not promoting Veganism. I just want to...
  3. onlinebuddy

    Are the people who drowned in the flood of Noah doomed forever?

    Was that judgement of God final?
  4. onlinebuddy

    Which was the generation whose sins went unpunished?

    God presented Christ as a sacrifice of atonement, through the shedding of his blood - to be received by faith. He did this to demonstrate his righteousness, because in his forbearance he had left the sins committed beforehand unpunished[Romans 3:25]
  5. onlinebuddy

    What came first, man or vegetation?

    According to Gen 1:12-13, God created vegetation on the 3rd day, even before he created man. According to Gen 2:5-7, God created man before the vegetation. Those who have this figured out, kindly explain. The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees...
  6. onlinebuddy

    Why do children have to leave their parents' homes when they are 18?

    Does this tradition have any biblical basis, or is it purely cultural? What are the pros and cons?
  7. onlinebuddy

    Pope Says Having A Personal Relationship With Jesus Is Dangerous And Harmful

    Would appreciate comments on how biblical or unbiblical this is.... Church is essential for faith; there are no 'free agents,' pope says | National Catholic Reporter
  8. onlinebuddy

    Questions about Salvation and the Holy Spirit-2

    Anyone may answer. You may answer either all or few of the below mentioned questions. No obligation. Request, please keep your replies short and simple. Kindly do not post any charts or videos unless necessary. Would appreciate answers not more than 150 words, if possible (not inclusive of Bible...
  9. onlinebuddy

    What did Jesus mean by "Thy kingdom" in Mt 6:10?

    1) What is the "kingdom"? 2) Is it spiritual or physical? 3) Where is it located? 4) Had the kingdom come at the time of Jesus? 5) Has the kingdom come now? 6) It the "kingdom of God" different from the "kingdom of heaven"?
  10. onlinebuddy

    Questions about salvation and the Holy Spirit

    Anyone may answer. You may answer either all or few of the below mentioned questions. No obligation. Request, please keep your replies short and simple. Kindly do not post any charts or videos unless necessary. Would appreciate answers not more than 150 words, if possible (not inclusive of Bible...
  11. onlinebuddy

    Did Jesus become a curse in order to free us from the curse of poverty?

    I have recently come across many people who talked about poverty being a curse and the fact that Jesus became the curse in order free us from the curse of poverty. This led me to study what the Bible says about poverty. What is poverty? Although poverty is a relative term, in my opinion...
  12. onlinebuddy

    Amazing Grace- Piano...Loved it! Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, That saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now am found, Was blind, but now I see. T'was Grace that taught my heart to fear. And Grace, my fears relieved. How precious did that Grace appear The hour I first...
  13. onlinebuddy

    "Pretribbers" vs "Posttribbers"

    My apologies for starting such a thread all over again. I am still studying this topic on my own, since my church does not teach about it. I need clarification on one thing: The Bible teaches that the rapture is both, IMMINENT and UNPREDICTABLE. Both (pre and post tribbers) believe that the...
  14. onlinebuddy

    Disaster in Uttarakhand- Prayers

    Uttarakhand: It's a race against time as weather, hunger threaten thousands of lives - The Times of India Please pray for the 50,000 + people stranded that God may have mercy, and that they may see the light of Christ someday.
  15. onlinebuddy

    Prayers for a deceased loved one...?

    Does prayer for a deceased loved one do anything for that person? Why do people offer prayers and "masses" for those who are asleep. Kindly enlighten me on the concept and origin of this tradition. I do have my own beliefs, but just want to know your views.
  16. onlinebuddy

    Infant Jesus

    I have many Catholics among my friends and family, who believe in "Infant Jesus." Would just like to know everyone's views about the concept and origin of Infant Jesus.
  17. onlinebuddy

    we saw someone driving out demons in your name and we told him to stop....

    Mark Chapter 9 (NIV) 38“Teacher,” said John, “we saw someone driving out demons in your name and we told him to stop, because he was not one of us.” 39“Do not stop him,” Jesus said. “For no one who does a miracle in my name can in the next moment say anything bad about me, 40for whoever is not...
  18. onlinebuddy

    God Made the First Move!

    But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8, NIV) God did not wait for me (or mankind) to repent in order to send his Son to die for me. He sent His Son when the world was steeped in sin. He made the first move and then...
  19. onlinebuddy

    The Bible & Science!

    THE CREATOR KNOWS BETTER! If the Word of God (The Bible) mentions facts that man cannot see or fathom, we have good reason to believe everything else it says.
  20. onlinebuddy

    The sheep cannot be gathered unless the stone is rolled away

    Originally Posted by JaumeJ Below I have pasted the story from Genesis relating how the sheep could not be gathered together to drink of the water until the stone was removed from the well's mouth. Gen 29:7 And he said, Lo, it is yet high day, neither is it time that the cattle should be...