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    Deja vu

    Everyone knows what that is... but how many have experienced it? AND how many have experienced it frequently? This is something that have raised alot of questions for me lately. About 3-4 years ago before any real relationship in my life I used to get these Deja vu experiences. The thing went...
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    I have noticed that past 10 years I have seen series of dreams that have came trough little bit odd way. My life have been more or less unpredictable and looking my past I have discovered something interesting about certain type of Dreams i have had. The dream itself goes as following...
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    Forced to marry

    I have really close friend who told me today something I hoped that wouldn't be existing among christian people. She have had rather rough life already and now her father have arranged one of his friend's son to marry my friend. The problem is that my friend already have boyfriend she loves and...
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    Messed up... again?

    I talked recently with my friend about my strange abilty to find certain type of people. I mean people who have had really bad things happened in their lives. Rape, abuse, violence, depression and the list goes on. My friend told me that he feels I have a gift to listen and that way help those...
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    Spiritually teenager

    Some time ago I realised something unpleasant. As my real age is far over my teen years it seems spiritually im just coming to something that resembles the worst teenange years the child can bring to his/her parents. I had rather peaceful times back then, (not to mention though that I got teased...
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    Sinning at free will

    I ran to topic with my friend that started to disturb me for some reason. It's about sinning at free will. Well in short, we know that everyone can and will fail not to live as exptected and should in this life. We know that God love us and want to forgive us. That's why he sent his son to us...
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    Fight with the evil spirit

    Last weekend I was visiting my younger brother in the other town and had dinner with him and his non christian gf. When we were cooking togehter in his flat there happened one encouter and quite unusual fight that really shaked the atmoshphere there. The one problem i have had for years is that...
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    What is a Date? (for you)

    Alright here goes my first thread. I have kept reading about your opinions and statements about relationships dating and all such and I got couple of questions I like to hear how you see these. I don't speak english as my mother language so that's also one reason I like to hear your thoughts...