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  1. S

    Do we have to love our enemies in order to be saved?

    What if the person who has wronged you is demon possessed should you still love them?
  2. S

    Judge Not - what did Jesus mean

    Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and twith the measure you use it will be measured to you. We live in an extremely judgmental world. Many Christians claim Jesus meant judge righteously yet he doesn't say that. He implicitly says Judge...
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    Did God Just Get Kicked Out of Government?

    Jesus asked us not to judge. I believe only God can judge us but ultimately the harshest judges are ourselves. I am new to Christianity having been born again through Jesus . I struggle to equate evil and its purpose, but Jesus did say "Judge Not" so I try not to judge others now.
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    Hi New Member Here

    I was atheist all my life until three years ago when I heard Jesus's voice. I was going through a very tuff time and Jesus asked me to pray for redemption. I immediately drove to a chapel and picked up a bible and opened it. I don't know the verse but where it opened was about redemption and I...