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  1. followJesustoday

    Do I truly love the lord??? Sincerely, I don't Know!

    Hi Jackieboy!--What you need to ask yourself is: Do I follow God's commandments? If you answered yes, then you must love God to be doing what He requires you to do. Just as your parents set rules because they love you so much, God wants US to be safe and do the right things out of great love for...
  2. followJesustoday

    Why did God create existence in the order he did?

    Great reply and I am aware of the many parables and metaphors of the bible thus I should have put 'Jesus' in parenthesis after the word light, in my sentence. People, like me, that study the bible know what the parables mean. Thanks again for your answer.
  3. followJesustoday

    Does God forgive anything--ex: homosexuals?

    Thanks for your response and: it's great that God put the right words in your and your co-worker's mouth to have a purposeful impact on this woman and change her thinking away from the wrong ways to live and toward a life with Christ.
  4. followJesustoday

    Does God forgive anything--ex: homosexuals?

    thanks for the reply and it makes good sense!
  5. followJesustoday

    Why did God create existence in the order he did?

    I believe it is because living things need light to survive?? Any thoughts appreciated!
  6. followJesustoday

    can you guys post something funny please?

    A burglar broke into a house on night. He shined his flashlight around, looking for valuables when a voice in the dark said " Jesus knows you're here" He nearly jumped out of his skin, clicked his flashlight off and froze. When he heard nothing more, after a bit he shook his head and continued...
  7. followJesustoday

    Need to Soften My Heart

    great advice--Deuteronomy
  8. followJesustoday

    Need to Soften My Heart

    Suggest he listen to either Jimmy Evans on YouTube--he is great and easy to listen to. Also have him listen on SECC live sermons Louisville, Ky on Sundays 11:30 Also have a group prayer for him to open his heart to the joy and positivity of Jesus Christ!
  9. followJesustoday

    Does God forgive anything--ex: homosexuals?

    I have many good friends that are homosexuals and worry about their faith. How do I witness to them without coming off as 'holier than thou' and threatening our friendship?
  10. followJesustoday

    Hello new here

    Welcome to chat!---Hope you enjoy it and get strength to grow in God's word here!
  11. followJesustoday

    Love Thy (irritating) Neighbor??

    *********** Believe me, I've talked a LOT about God and given him great pieces of literature about Christ. People are just set in their ways, but maybe the seed I planted will take root one of these days.
  12. followJesustoday

    Love Thy (irritating) Neighbor??

    Thanks for your reply!---I have decided that I need to, after helping him for years, not let him take advantage me any longer. Jesus says as much in the bible. God wants what's best for us and having a backbone is definitely best for us.
  13. followJesustoday

    Love Thy (irritating) Neighbor??

    Yes, I have talked about Christ several times to him. I've offered many resources to help him including men's bible studies in our area, and leaving him books and other materials to read but as I said above, who knows if he reads them. I've done many things for the man and he complains about...
  14. followJesustoday

    Love Thy (irritating) Neighbor??

    Thanks for replying. I have tried several times to help him with getting into a men's bible study and other things so he won't feel so lonely and have a need to bother other people. I've tried to talk to him about the ways God wants us to live because He loves us and Tom brushes me off and says...
  15. followJesustoday

    Love Thy (irritating) Neighbor??

    Yes I have prayed about this and I am getting in my soul that I should not let others take advantage of me, much as Satan takes advantage of a persons weakness. thanks for your reply
  16. followJesustoday

    Love Thy (irritating) Neighbor??

    I have a neighbor that lives across the hall from me who takes advantage of my kindness. In the past I have done a LOT for him. By the way, he is 80. Me and another neighbor have given 'Tom' a microwave, my idea, so he can prepare meals easier. I have given him many things to help him out. This...
  17. followJesustoday

    Practical ways to spread the gospel at work

    Anyone have discreet ways to spread the gospel at the workplace?- or anywhere for that matter---It is what believers are supposed to do but I'm at a loss on how to do this??? It's my job, so don't want to get into trouble for speaking out about the Lord.
  18. followJesustoday

    Is God giving America up?

    I agree that we or (they) are giving up America and it's moral values. The politicians we have in Washington are corrupt and seem to hate America and what it stands for!!. Everything is going to pot as far as values , freedom, etc. People are turning against Christians with so many turning away...