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  1. ChosenbyHim

    Man, The Cross , and The KJV

    This is why it is important to have the right Bible, Jaybo. What is in the right hand of God in Rev. 5:1 is not a scroll, but it is a book: Revelation 5:1 And I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals. Jaybo...
  2. ChosenbyHim

    Man, The Cross , and The KJV

    My "Circular" reasoning is far better than yours, Dino. Because at least my reasoning leads me to the confidence that I do have a perfect and finished Bible for today. Whereas on the contrary, your reasoning leaves you full of doubt. Since in your mind, you don't believe that there is a perfect...
  3. ChosenbyHim

    Man, The Cross , and The KJV

    You are wrong, Dino. The promise in Psalm 12 has everything to do with preserving His words.
  4. ChosenbyHim

    Man, The Cross , and The KJV

    Because it makes sense that the all powerful God whom we love and serve is faithful and pwerful enough to keep His promise which He gave in psalm 12:6-7, that's how. Now answer my question now, would you? How does a sane, sound, rational Christian come up with the idea that there is no...
  5. ChosenbyHim

    Man, The Cross , and The KJV

    I believe that chose to make a new translation under the providential working of God. God allowed His word to go through a process of purification, growth and maturity and ultimate perfection. Notice that it says in Psalm 12:6 that the pure words of the Lord are purified seven times: (Psalms...
  6. ChosenbyHim

    Man, The Cross , and The KJV

    Oh no, it is Biblically sound to understand and know that the Bible which God has finished is superior to the original autographs which were first penned. God ALWAYS does things in order and He reserves and saves His ultimate, Final and perfected work for Last.
  7. ChosenbyHim

    Man, The Cross , and The KJV

    No, what is foolish, unreasonable and illogical is to think that a Christian has to go back to the "Original" Greek and the "Original" Hebrew in order to find out and really know what God has said in His word. Says who??? Alexandrian "Scholars" such as James White??? The Holy Scripture does...
  8. ChosenbyHim

    Man, The Cross , and The KJV

    There is a copy of the Holy Scripture (King James Bible) in heaven. And that sealed copy, that 7 sealed book is in the right hand of God the Father (Rev. 5:1)
  9. ChosenbyHim

    Man, The Cross , and The KJV

    Lucy, what in the world are you talking about, ma'am?? While I understand how my stand for the blessed King James Holy Bible, would be offensive to many modern Christians since they do not believe that a perfect Bible actually exists today. But when you say how hurtful, and hateful and...
  10. ChosenbyHim

    Man, The Cross , and The KJV

    God gave a promise in Psalm 12. And it is a promise to preserve and keep His very words. And so why do you believe that God would not preserve His pure word in an inerrant translation?
  11. ChosenbyHim

    Is YOUR church doctrinal statement ONE with SATAN?

    Video Description: YOUR church doctrinal statement is ONE with SATAN? Time to revisit your doctrinal statement and make sure it lines up with the Word of God.
  12. ChosenbyHim

    Man, The Cross , and The KJV

    It is about Jesus Christ. And it is also about His finished Bible, the KJB. What King James Bible believing Christians like me and others show from Psalm 138:2 is the absolute major importance that God places upon His own word. For Him to magnify it above all His name, says a lot. We do...
  13. ChosenbyHim

    Man, The Cross , and The KJV

    Then why don't you come out and tell me which Bible you believe is the perfectly preserved and infallible word of God? If you believe God is powerful enough to save your soul from sin, death and hell, then you also should believe that He is powerful enough to preserve a perfect and infallible...
  14. ChosenbyHim

    Man, The Cross , and The KJV

    Jesus our precious Saviour and Lord is One with His word, the King James Bible. If we love Jesus, then we will love and keep His words. We cannot separate the Holy Bible from Jesus Christ our Lord. They are One in all things.
  15. ChosenbyHim

    Man, The Cross , and The KJV

    There is a Perfect Translation of the Scriptures, and we have access to it today. Praise God! In the Scriptures, every translation which God performed in a man always resulted in a perfect and superior condition. Like Enoch. When Enoch was translated (Heb. 11:5), he went directly up to be with...
  16. ChosenbyHim

    Man, The Cross , and The KJV

    Wrong again, Angela. The modern versions do attack important Bible doctrines, such as the Blood, the deity of Jesus Christ, the Doctrine of Salvation and the modern translations also attack Jesus’ character and even try to turn Jesus into a sinner, by removing the phrase “without a cause” in...
  17. ChosenbyHim

    Man, The Cross , and The KJV

    Wrong, Angela. The Textus Receptus is not corrupted by the deletions, omissions, additions of the Minority Text. The Siniaticus and Vaticanus manuscripts are the manuscripts which are loaded with deletions, omissions, errors and corruption. You need to check the source you get your information...
  18. ChosenbyHim

    Man, The Cross , and The KJV

    Can you name some of them, please?? And which one of those translations do you believe is the perfect and inerrant word of God???
  19. ChosenbyHim

    Is the Bible really that important?

    Selena, people cannot know God without the Bible. The only way that we can truly know who God is, and the only way we can learn about His true nature, holiness, character, and attributes, is to read and study His word, the Blessed King James Holy Bible. And while Salvation does involve a choice...
  20. ChosenbyHim

    Man, The Cross , and The KJV

    Well then if you have, why are you still in unbelief when it comes to the absolute authority, power and perfection of God’s holy word, the blessed King James Holy Bible? Well Angela, then why don’t you take the time to learn the grammar and vocabulary of the King James Bible? Could...