Search results

  1. penknight

    Christian Firefighter fired.

    Atlanta Fire Chief: I was fired because of my Christian faith | Fox News
  2. penknight

    What do you think Jesus looks like?

    I watch this movie called King of Kings on tct (I think it was tct) and in the scene after peter denies Jesus, the actor playing Jesus gave peter this penetrating gaze at him. It was like he was looking right into my soul and I felt like I couldn't move. I kinda think it would feel like that if...
  3. penknight

    prayer for my mom

    My mom went out of town, please pray that she gets there and back safely.
  4. penknight

    Christian therapy

    I know this may be a bit much to ask, especially since we can get advice from other, older members. Still it could help the site out. Maybe the therapist could make a blog about life issues and thing regarding God's word instead of having him of her answer to thousands of cc users.
  5. penknight

    Thoughts about Jacob

    Do you think the labor Jacob suffered under Laban was because he stole Esau's birthright and blessing? I know he had to work so that he could marry Rachel, but Laban kept changing the conditions on which he would give her over to him.
  6. penknight

    What made you choose your usernames?

    I see such silly and interesting usernames on this site, why did you pick yours?
  7. penknight

    Online Class Issues.

    I'm taking an online class right now, and it's needlessly difficult. I need to score well enough to pass it because it's a key part in earning my degree. So prayers would be greatly appreciated. Thanks a bunch.
  8. penknight

    Pray that ChristianChat is here for a long time.

    Thanks to this site, we been able to touch the hearts of many members, it's a place where we can have fellowship with each other and a place where friendships are made, it would be a shame for it all to end wouldn't it? I'm sure many of you have people you would like to keep in contact with for...
  9. penknight

    Rent again.

    This is my third time, asking for prayers about the rent, this time I'm asking for your help because my mom asked me to reach out to guys again , this is for her peace of mind. I believe everything will be fine but please pray for my moms sake.
  10. penknight


    Our rent is due again. Please pray that we can afford it. Thank you.
  11. penknight

    Missing Child

    There's an amber alert for a 1 month old named Delano Wilson. He went missing yesterday, so please pray for his safe return. And there's another one for a 2 year old named Myra Lewis.
  12. penknight


    Our rent is due soon, please pray that we are able to afford it. Thanks everyone.
  13. penknight

    Helping out (3)

    Now, I want to ask a second question, we'll see how far we get. What sin is the most serious? We know what sin is, it is any violation of the law of God and we're never going to be sensitive to sin unless we are constantly made sensitive to the law of God and you do that through the teaching of...
  14. penknight

    Prayer requests

    Operation Protective Edge Displaces More Gazans: Rockets and Revenge (Dispatch 9) - YouTube Please pray for the safety of these people.
  15. penknight

    Helping out. (2)

    Here are some links The Role of Faith and Works How do I stop sinning? No replies necessary.
  16. penknight

    Helping out.

    Jesus said in John 3:5 to Nicodemus (a Jewish leader), “Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” Being born again is not optional. Whether Jew or Gentile, everyone must be born again. Being born again is not giving your heart to Jesus. That's discipleship. Judas gave his...
  17. penknight

    Tamela Mann

    Try listening this to these song by tamela mann. Take me to the king. Trust Him.
  18. penknight

    Are there other members here sick of all the debating here or is it just me?

    It feels like everytime I log in, its like I'm entering into an episode of crossfire. It's not as relaxing here as it used to be for me.
  19. penknight

    American Parasite?

    Check this out: Keybiotics | Video Could America possibly sink any lower than this? (well, we know it will at some point, with the end of the world on it's way and all.) What are your thoughts?
  20. penknight

    Does anyone know how to contact Cyphercat?

    were good friends, and I want to keep in contact with him but he's been banned from this site.